Raider Jack | San Francisco, CA United States | 07/20/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Okay, so while lying in bed trying to die of an awful, awful cold, I ran across this title on the movie guide and after convulsing into uncontrollable laughter, thought " just COULDN'T be about THAT!!!.."
Oh, but it is!!!!!
I saw Ron Jeremy's name and thought "now that name sounds familiar..." Suffice it to say, it is indeed THAT Ron Jeremy, the alltime super porn star of the 70s/80s who was known far and wide for his one-eyed monster.
This is a very clever take on that theme. A porn film crew goes to Northern California to shoot a movie and gets trapped by a blizzard, a "shooting star" (no pun intended) and of course the one-eyed monster that positively terrorizes the entire crew. Believe it or not, the production values are quite good, elevating this waaay above cheesy. Moreover, the ensemble cast is excellent while the writing is crisp, witty, and hilarious. Of course it was also sick and twisted but I laughed until I cried. The outstanding performance, hands down, is that of Veronica Hart, an aging porn star who eventually "saves the day." (you will NOT be well for how she does it!!!)
Hate to be so cryptic but if your tastes run the gamut from the absurd to the sublime (this most assuredly being sublime), this should DEFINITELY be part of your collection. It is quite funny and though it didn't cure my cold, it sure made me forget I had one!!
January 6, 2010 - watched again for about the 8th time - eeeeeeeeeeexcellent way to bring in the New Year!!!! - movie just rocks!!!! :0)
Linda Coler | Los Angeles, CA | 05/03/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I admit I don't have mainstream taste in movies, especially comedies. I count among my favorites "Bad Santa," "Shaun of the Dead," "Dead Alive" and tv shows like "Arrested Development" and "Strangers with Candy." So if you're into Tim Allen movies (although I loved "Galaxy Quest"), this one probably isn't for you.
"One-Eyed Monster" knows what it is. It's one of those rare breed of horror comedies that refuses to acknowledge it's a comedy, which makes it all the funnier for its absurd premise. I loved that about it. The acting (mostly unknowns, but probably not for long) was sensational. Everyone--EVERYONE--played it straight and didn't wink the humor. This isn't "Scary Movie" or even "Scream." This is more like an even funnier "Tremors."
I've never heard of this filmmaker before, but he captured lightning in a bottle here. Charles Napier doing his own version of Robert Shaw's "Quint" character from "Jaws" is worth the price of the dvd. I discovered this movie because my Netflix recommendation said I would like it if I liked the Stone/Parker gem "Team America." They weren't wrong. Some of the extras on this are just as funny as the movie."
Monsterous good time
'killer' weasel | MI USA | 05/08/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I watched this last night and enjoyed it. Not because it was good. It's not good and the movie knows that. But it's not horrible either. It's probably the best movie about a killer dick I've ever seen. (come to think of it, it might be the only one I've seen seen). Think those bad movies they put on the SciFi channel on Saturdays and make it funnier and involving a 9 3/4 inch dick. The movie has comedy, a little bit of porn (nothing super graphic, which surprised me), science fictiony stuff, porn stars, a wee bit of serious stuff thrown in, and of course, horror without too much gore. If you like not so great movies, I'd recommend checking it out. If you like porn, check it out. If you like Ron Jeremy, check it out. Ditto for Amber Bensen. Heck, if you've always wanted to see a killer dick go on a rampage, check it out."