Gulf War from the British side..
Seen Them All | SoCal Desert | 12/07/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a TV movie (based on actual events and a book of the same name and written by Chris Ryan who was one of the SAS team members) that can be considered a companion movie to "Bravo Two-Zero". This is the story of a group of British SAS commandos who are dropped behind the lines during the Gulf War to seek out and destroy the SCUD missles that were hitting Israel. The team is discovered and is forced to run for their lives. Several team members are killed and the rest capture. Chris Ryan is the only one to escape by walking hundreds of miles through the desert to safety. The real Chris Ryan stars in a current TV series called "Special Forces Manhunt" where he tries to avoid being caught by other commandos who are tracking him in various locations. Good story. Don't miss this one."
Not so hot
Bryan Lambert | West Coast,USA | 02/26/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This other version of "Bravo Two Zero" tells essentially the same story as the more well known movie starring Sean Bean which I liked very much. The difference here is this DVD has no subtitles so unless your English you'll miss some of what they say (like I did). Also a bigger portion of this film takes place at night so their is less to see on screen and it's harder to follow what's going on. But my biggest problem was in this version the SAS soldiers are portrated as confused, fearful, not very motivated, not very confident right from the time they're told of the mission. I have the greatest respect for professional soldiers so it suprised me SAS troops who are among the best special forces in the world,(professional, highly motivated & brave) would be portrayed as if they were naive, angry, draftee's who had no clue what they were getting into. I just don't think SAS men would behave this way and that's not how they are portrayed in Bravo Two Zero. In both films the heroism and service to ones country these men demonstrate comes thru on the screen and cannnot be appriciated enough."
Piece of junk
John D. Mcintosh | Seattle | 07/13/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I totally agree with the guy above who was disappointed with this. I saw an interview with Chris Ryan where he said that he was really angry about the makers of this movie not adhering to the true events of the story. The movie suggests that Chris Ryan was the only serious guy in the patrol and the rest were a bunch of glory hungry morons that were constantly annoyed with Ryan. Ryan himself said that this movie is rubbish. don't waste your time."