Okie Noodling
2 cents | B.F.N. United Snakes | 10/31/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
""I haven't seen anything as strange and compelling as Okie Noodling." --Chris Gore, Film Threat
Hey Chris Gore you sure must be leadin' a pretty sheltered life if this here is the strangest and most compelling thing you ever seen. But I'll agree it sure is pretty compelling and just a little strange. All these guys do is catch big ole catfish with their bare hands. It's a tradition and they call it "noodling". It looks like a lotta fun. I'm a documentary fan and love learning about people and culture. I'd recommend "Okie Noodling" to folks interested in seeing somethan they probably haven't, people that just enjoy a good documentary and those that like the outdoors, especially fishing.
Noodling is for pimps
Arla J. Wood | 03/18/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This movie is AWESOME! I love watching the totally nuts things that humans will do. Loved it."