Jonathan (Christopher Colquhoun) and David (Stephen Billington) meet at a black tie dinner, and end up spending the night together at Jonathan's London flat. The challenges begin when Jonathan's nine year old daughter boun... more »ds into the bedroom very early the next morning. However, the stakes heighten when Jonathan discovers that David is his new client at the marketing firm where he is employed. Fraternizing with clients on the opposite side of the conference table is strictly prohibited by the firm, and Jonathan quickly nips things in the bud. As time progresses, love conquers all. The biggest obstacle is how to make their relationship work amidst the many external difficulties (different races, different countries of origin, societal constrictions). Oh Happy Day is that special film that brings out the true romantic hiding inside us all!l!« less
"A very enjoyable movie. Good acting, a nice story. OK, maybe a little simplistic, and it's not hard to figure out the ending, but who cares. It's a romantic comedy, not an oscar winning drama, and that's ok.
Sorry, but no self-hating, drug loving, twink hustlers who kill themselves will be found in this movie. If that's what you're into, you probably won't like this one. It seems that gay movies must always be dark and dreary, so it's nice to see one that makes you feel good when you're done watching it. If you enjoyed Latter Days and Big Eden, you'll like this one."
........"How do YOU pronounce 'Happiness'?" (alternate title for this review).
2007 may just be considered a banner year for the release of two excellent gay films: one a romance ("Shelter"), the other ("O-H-D") a romantic comedy; one produced on this side of the Big Pond, one on the other side of that pond. Notably, what they have in common are decent production values, scripted stories that easily hold our interest, and male lead couples who'll keep your dreams alive and well. As for differences, I'll only mention that where "Shelter" takes us on an upliftingly romantic journey, "O-H-D" takes us on a fun-loving, romantic journey. And where the former film gives us that special "B-G-L-M", in the latter film the Brits give us the "B-G-F-I-L-M" (both an indoors and and outdoors one---Wow). Please note that "Shelter" has already been discussed by this reviewer/commenter elsewhere on this site, so I'll now leave with you just a few additional thoughts about this, to me, memorable English production. It so deserves NOT to be underrated/unrecognized.
Starting off with our two leads, we have good looking, blond and devilish Stephen Billington, playing David, who's kinda like that let's-have-a-ball, little boy who hasn't grown up yet. He's "Mr. Fun".......just over from the States, with the main goal of driving Englishman, Jonathan, both crazy and into bed. "J" on the other hand is the tall, hunky, sometimes-afraid-of-letting-loose marketing exec who is our "Mr. Serious" (a leanly well built and gorgeous Christopher Colquhoun). A lot of the fun you're going to have is in watching a smirky-grinning David merrily take "J" down (and I mean that in a "straight" way--Ha). While it's the sometimes-in-a-dither "J" we spend a little bit more time with, it is actually David who is the solid, hold-it-all-together core of this little duo. As in any relationship picture, there are going to be ups and downs, and these guys are terrific in giving us that back and forth, 'I-can-top-what-you're-doing' thing---while making us feel all the better for it. And if you think they're oh-so-verrry-good in giving us a tiff to remember, it'll be the making up afterward that's the real fun (and here's where that "B-G-F-I-L-M" thing comes's a real hoot and will have your mind humming because you've become so pleased with what you're watching---it's just one of those memorably happy film moments).
There is a very good supporting cast, everyone of whom it's not possible to mention. BUT........there is a little girl (Poppy) who comes up with a couple of "philosophical zingers" which are a riot and which let us know she's more grown up than any of the rest of them. Oh, oh, and then there's my favorite of the adult, supporting know, the gal with the rose on her ass (no, make that 'arse'). (Lol).
Winding down here, my "Best of the Night" award has to go to Director/Writer Ian Poitier who, however he did it, has gotten Billington and Colquhoun to give us some of the best man-on-man "lip-lock" scenes you're going to see outside of gay porn. Way to go, Guys; that's usually the big downfall of other gay mainline films.
Lastly, "Happy M'Buki--M'Vuki" to each and everyone of you out there!
PS--Ah.....the "B-G-F-I-L-M" thing? Okay....well that simply stands for "Big Gay Falling In Love Montage" (thanks, Director Jonah Markowitz).
PPS--Oh.....yeah, and that "Happiness" bit? Dudes---if you can't speak French, you're never gonna get this one (Lol).
Almost Perfect or Everything But the Kitchen Sink
Terran | Sunny CA USA | 01/22/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Except the kitchen sink is in here too!
Like the other reviewers thus far, I love this film. This is the best gay couple protrayed in film, in that the guys are perfectly suited for each other, they complement each other and bring out the best in each other. They are passionate, and the actors physically relaxed with each other and REAL. They look great together, as if in a roomful of gays these are the two you'd pair up as the best match. I can't think of another movie where I've seen the gay couple and went THEY CLICK! Other pairings are found wanting.
The direction has some interesting montage sequences and usage of still photography that keep the film fresh and less likely to be a point-and-shoot. Here the edits are spot-on in accentuating the story or a specific mood, best example of this is when Jonathan - whose story it is we're following - is at a social gathering, feeling stormy inside as he is desperately on the lookout for his love - David - who has dumped him. Yes, we have delicious angst in this romantic comedy!
This movie would almost be the kitchen-sink approach, as everything is tossed in here, Jonathan being a father who is best friends with the mother of his child and yet he is undeniably gay (they don't really go into that background story). Yet we also have David who is displaced as he has just moved to London and left his (unforgiving of his gay self) family behind (the actor who plays this part, Stephen Billington, is English but does a great gen-American accent). Jonathan's own mother is presumably an immigrant with an accent to go with it, and therefore London being the land of immigrants is also touched upon - meanwhile Mom and her best friend specialize in being experts on gays and metrosexuals - and David ironically is far more well-traveled than anyone, so he's less marginalized. We are invested in Jonathan's family and David is introduced into the mix without fanfare but great success, so the drama for the couple is kept strictly on the work front. To add to the everything tossed in we also have a love montage sequence where amateur musician Jonathan has presumably composed a song about his love. Unfortunately the song "Easier To Sleep" - composed by the actor playing the part - isn't available anywhere except this film, as it is lovely and poignant.
Even the precocious daughter of Jonathan is smitten with David to the extent he may be Daddy's boyfriend, but Daddy has taken a clear backseat in her affections and you can bet she has little-girl fantasies of marrying David herself some day.
Both leads are hot, and interesting, and so straight-acting neither David nor Jonathan immediately twig to the fact the other is "family." When they do, they act upon their mutual desire immediately. Complicating the situation slightly is a female co-worker of Jonathan's who has the hots for David and doesn't know he's gay (he seems to be closeted only to protect his relationship with Jonathan from being discovered, so Jonathan doesn't get fired for the fraternization.)
Another complication is Jonathan once spent a weekend with another gay staffer at the same agency and this only becomes important as it has later repercussions on his relationship with David.
Both guys are great in this, and this would be rated 5 stars rather than 4 by me except that we really don't see enough of the guys together functioning as a couple. There are three montage sequences, but most of the time when we see the couple, it is when they are in the business environment or around Jonathan's family. The glances and casual touches the guys display with each other indicate their closeness and you can applaud the actors for this. As well, I really wanted to see more of David's POV in this, some equal time, as it were, especially when the couple was broken up. It seems as if the ad agency and the people there as well as trying to give equal time to Jonathan's family relationships were really using up all the air time.
The DVD contains no extras, which is lamentable, especially since another reviewer has mentioned a scene that is not in the film as released on the Region 1 DVD, making me wonder about this special cut we have where possibly one or more scenes is missing. I felt a few times as well, that the pacing was off, possibly because David and Jonathan (get the Biblical reference?) time was edited out. Watch out for the times the "Is this weird?" question is asked by each man, and also how their first and final kisses are paralleled. A lot of time was spent on choreographing the mens' moments together. So it's too bad this movie is almost perfect rather than perfection."
Now on DVD
Amos Lassen | Little Rock, Arkansas | 08/10/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
""Oh Happy Day"
Now on DVD
Amos Lassen
"Oh Happy Day" has been released by Ariztical so be on the look out for it. It is a comedy about two guys having a one night stand with each other and then later start working together. They learn that in order to make a relationship work, everything must be revealed--even if it means getting naked in front of one hundred people and a gospel choir singing "Oh Happy Day".
The two lead characters are an interracial couple and this adds a bit of spice to the story. The performances are good but not wonderful and the music is excellent and the production values are very high. The script is very funny and there are some real thigh slapping bits. There is one great scene when the two men have to destroy the videos they took of each other. All in all, the plot is quite simplistic and predictable from the get-go.
The movie, however, is totally enjoyable and the director shows a great deal of promise and will probably make some fine movies once he is grounded more in his art."
Not Gay, But I LOVE This Movie!
Intelligent American | MD | 07/06/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I saw this movie over the weekend on Netflix and had to watch it immediately a second time. I am not gay, but I LOVE this movie! As a straight female, I wasn't thinking to turn either man straight, and I was rooting for Jonathan & David to make it. I do believe there's love at first sight for some, and I was in love from the get-go with them and chemistry between the two men was great. The supporting characters were great. I liked the awkward conversation Randy had with David at the Salsa Dance. Jonathan's enlightened mother Rose, and Eartha wanting to have all "the gays" get married, so that they could go to church were funny and open-minded. Was it me, or did the screenwriter purposely make the relationship between Rose and Eartha ambiguous in the mind of the audience in end, where Rose was saying, as friends, she and Eartha, would follow each other wherever the other went? Ooooh, and even though Jonathan is gay, and batting for the other team, I couldn't go without stating what a BUTT he has on him!!!!!"