Very Underrated,Greatly Entertaining Bond Film
Gary P. Cohen | Staten Island, NY USA | 02/20/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"My wife and I saw this Bond film the afternoon it was released. Both us and the entire crowd in the theater were massively enjoying it and everyone walked out greatly satisfied. Now I read articles decrying it as a terrible Bond film and I am mystified. It is one of my five favorite Bonds. This film is fun from start to finish with a great pre-credits sequence and terrific action sequences to enliven the entire film. Maud Adams returns to the Bond films in leading-lady status after appearing as the secondary female lead in the disappointing "Man with the Golden Gun." (Moore has stated in interviews that Maud Adams was his favorite leading lady.) Louis Jourdan is suitably slimy as the lead villain and Steven Berkoff is positively psychotic as the crazed Russian General trying to set off a nuclear device on a U.S. Air Force base in Germany. (This film was filmed during the time of constant demonstrations throughout Europe for a "nuclear freeze" and this works its way into the plot.) Much has been written in a negative manner about Moore in clown makeup trying to deactivate the bomb as the seconds tick away. (Bond has to hide in a clown costume to get onto the air force base where Octopussy's circus is performing.) I think the make-up just adds to a very suspenseful scene. I have never understood the controversey it has engendered. (Most people who write about it just hate Moore's Bond in general and feel this gives them more ammunition.) The location work in India, like most Bonds, is excellent. This features the customery excellent John Barry Score and a nice theme song "All Time High" sung by Rita Coolidge.
This film opened in the June of 1983 and did great business. The highly overrated Sean Connery Bond "Never Say Never Again" opened in September 1983 and did good business also, only not as good as "Octopussy." At the time the critics went bananas raving about the Connery Bond and had a great time bashing the Moore Bond. It is poetic justice that "Octopussy" did better business and now "Never Say Never Again" has been reevaluated as the absolute mediocrity it always was, a film Warner Bros. was ready to pull the plug on in mid-production, had Connery not taken matters into his own hands and held the production together. Moore has stated in his recent autobiography the satisfaction he received when "Octopussy" grossed more than "Never Say Never Again." I guess it gets tiresome being bashed as Bond after starring in 7 greatly successful Bond films.
Anyway, for some reason, people like to still bash "Octopussy." As previously stated, I don't understand why and feel it is a marvelously entertaining Bond film. This, like all the recent Moore Bonds, had an audio commentary by Roger. We are still waiting for the blu-ray release, I hope it comes soon."
Would you like to have the king of Faberge's eggs: Romanov s
Hiram Gomez Pardo | Valencia, Venezuela | 05/28/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)
"With the arrival of Raiders of the lost arc, the producers of this saga perceived the sweet smell of the times by then and decided in the thirteenth entry to recreate a funny, visually stunning movie hovered with exotic landscapes, plenty of action where even bond pays homage to Tarzan in the reminded human chase.
Kamal and Orlov are the main villains but the India is by far the great stage in this moving and delightful motion picture.
Bond on a train, surfing with a Mercedes on the rails, saving the world with clown's dress and finally eliminating the main villains in the reminded hair-rasing aerial sequence.
Astonishing visual effects and beautiful women will make the rest.