Obsession is a film about the threat of Radical Islam to Western civilization. Using unique footage from Arab television, it reveals an 'insider's view' of the hatred the Radicals are teaching, their incitement of global j... more »ihad, and their goal of world domination. The film also traces the parallels between the Nazi movement of World War II, the Radicals of today, and the Western world's response to both threats. Featuring interviews with Daniel Pipes, Steve Emerson, Alan Dershowitz, a former PLO terrorist, and a former Hitler Youth Commander« less
A real wakeup call especially for those that have their head in the sand!
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Movie Reviews
A hard hitting look at middle eastern media
Robert C. | NY, New York | 08/13/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Whether you are aware or not, like it or not, the mainstream middle eastern media carries stories and images which denounce the west and encourage radical behavior on a daily basis. Obsession exposes the slanted middle eastern media and the agenda of the Islamists who encourage their people to hate and kill non-muslims (aka kafirs or infidels) - much of it though lies and disinformation to people whom have little to no real education, outside information or reason to distrust their leaders. These are people who have been brainwashed since birth to believe only what their religion tells them to believe... or else. The video exposes Imams, Shieks, Muftis and other Islamic leaders who preach this hate against the west and drive their followers on an agenda of world domination, all while they collect money, enslave their women and live the good life. Commentary is provided by terrorism experts and ex-muslims who are forced to live in hiding for fear of their lives. I highly recommend this video to people who want to learn about what's going on in the world right now. For a more in depth look at the history of the overall situation, please consider this excellent book, The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 - You will learn a lot about the history of their motivation and hatred of western culture.
Also, a note to the person who's review is entitled "a film for the ingorant." In fact, it is that person that is ignorant as the evidence and footage displayed in this film are genuine and would be very difficult to discount or dispute. How anyone can claim "ignorance" in the face of that evidence is beyond reason and common sense."
Why We "Must" Fight
Lawrence Hart | Los Angeles, Ca. USA | 09/11/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"[[[[[[[The following is a freelance review I wrote of the film after viewing it in Los Angeles last year. Your feedback is welcome at Lhart50@yahoo.com or visit my blog at Choosingfreedom.Blogspot.com ]]]]]]]]]]]
Sometimes with all the political fallout of the Iraq debacle we lose site of what is at stake in the war on terror. Because the country is so divided over President Bush's ability to manage the war, the very real and serious problem of Islamic terror is often relegated to a foolish unimportance. As my brother-in-law told me the other night, "if Bush hadn't gone into Iraq we wouldn't be in this mess." On Wednesday, March 14, the West Valley Jewish Community Center presented "Obsession: Radical Islam's War on the West," sponsored by the West Hills Chabad. Like a clarion call this film reminds us of the clear and present danger that confronts Western Civilization . After the movie one of the primary speakers in the film, Noni Darwish discussed with the audience in detail her pro American/Israeli position to this war. This is a film that every American should see.
Darwish, the daughter of the Egyptian Fedayeen commander in Gaza during the 1950s, spoke about the madness that is gripping her people. You could not help but admire her courage and her recognition of righteousness against all odds. Ms. Darwish has a price on her head, so the security to get into this presentation was very strict. She doesn't waiver from her condemnation of the Arab world, her support for Israel or her love of democratic values. I have to admit, I was impressed. It's not every day that you meet an Arab national speak about her respect for the Jewish state. Perhaps reality is never far behind because as Ms. Darwish spoke you got the distinct impression that she was very alone in this commitment, disowned by her family, her country and the religion that totally dominated her life growing up.
Meeting and talking with a real live hero like Noni Darwish made the evening exciting but the film stands on its own merit as a glaring example of the utter hatred that much of the Arab world and large swaths of the rest of non Arab Islam feel toward the west. Thanks to Al-Jizeera and some other like minded Middle East media outlets there are mounds of written and video evidence to support the film's arguments.
The film argues that we are not taking this war seriously. Most of what is reported in the Arab world and in other places never seems to make it in the western media. Steven Emerson, a long time researcher of the Islamic threat said, "The amount of hate propaganda is far more extensive and pervasive than the attention that it receives in the western media." This has to stop. We need to begin to follow the Muslim press, listen to what they are saying, understand what they are implying with their statements and analyze more closely their intentions. The films ultimate message: We face disaster if we don't.
There is a violent movement to convert the entire world to Islam, to completely eliminate the Christian-Judeo world from the face of the Earth. Perceived western influences around the globe are targeted on a regular basis. Caroline Glick, a senior fellow at the Center for Security Policy, makes the point that many countries in the world today have a problem with Islamic extremism on some level. And then to emphasize that statement the film shows a map of the world covered in red "X"s where Jihadis are on the rise, attacking, bombing and killing. As noted in one Palestinian children's textbook, "this religion (Islam) will destroy all other religions through the Islamic Jihad fighters."
Several of the speakers in the film kept reiterating the fact that the West is in denial of this problem. Even in a post 9-11 environment people do not want to admit that there is a growing malignancy on the planet bent on our destruction.
The film is very clear not to condemn Islam as a religion and therefore claims that not all of the world's Muslims are the enemy. But, it is clear that the Jihadi movement is at present very large and is growing with each passing generation. There are many Islamic leaders calling for the deaths of Jews, the destruction of the United States, and the defeat of the west, all the while being cheered on by thousands of onlookers. There is no shortage of hatred in the Islamic world. The film implores us to recognize this threat and to begin to fight back in order to survive.
Most disturbing about this enemy is the chair squirming, undeniable connection of the Islamic Jihad movement to the rise of Nazism in Europe during the 1930's.The two historical periods are so closely correlated that it is hard to comprehend how we could have missed its growth. It is as if we were so busy reminding ourselves in the last sixty years that we would never again forget the past in Europe that we did not see it creeping up on us again in another part of the world. The film shows that 19th and early 20th century European anti-Semitism along with a remarkably similar ramp toward fascist ideology are alive and well and flourishing within the Muslim world. The only difference being in Europe it was based on politics and now it is based in religion.
One of the historical parallels to Nazism is the connection between the Mufti of Jerusalem and Adolph Hitler. As disturbing then as it is now the film describes and verifies that Hitler and the Mufti agreed that the extermination of the Jews was central to the War's aims. The Mufti, a radical fundamentalist in his own right, distinguished himself as one of the leaders who tried to prevent Jewish Zionism from establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine during that era. In exchange for his support Hitler promised him that would never happen.
In one especially chilling moment, Walid Shoebat, a reformed Palestinian terrorist and, who like Noni Darwish is shunned by his family, community and religion, explains the growth of Jihad as compared to the growth of Nazism. He says that Islamo fascism is far more dangerous than Nazism because of its religious components. Jihad makes war in the name of almighty God while Nazism made war for a man, Adoph Hitler. And, it exists in several countries not just one. Therefore, Shoebat concludes, that if we do not stop its rise we will be facing not one Nazi Germany but several.
The sole of Islam is at stake some western commentators have noted, indicating that the only way we can win this is for Islam itself to struggle with the question internally and repair it internally. In other words, we are your supporters but it is you who have to correct the problem. According to "Obsession," and confirmed by Noni Darwish, the struggle is already over, Islam has been stolen by the Jihadi movement. The enemy is getting stronger and the decent Muslim who wants to live his life like we live ours is growing ever weaker. In fact, one gets the sickening feeling that Noni Darwish, and the other Muslim commentators depicted in the film, which courageously stand against the Jihadi enterprise, are lone puppies in a sea of wolves.
The danger to all of us is clear. Either we begin to get serious about this problem and take positive steps to end it favorably or we are going to lose. The very existence of Western Civilization is at stake and all the freedoms that we developed, struggled with and refined over the last 2500 years are in danger of being forcibly replaced by something very different. We must recognize that to do nothing and to continue to live in denial of this growing problem is a huge mistake. Unless you are willing to accept that your grandchildren before the end of their lives will be bowing down to Mohammad five times a day I would suggest that you begin looking at our involvement in the Middle East as a matter of survival not as a political football to be argued as Republicans and Democrats. It is not too late but we need to begin now or face a global confrontation of such huge proportions that it will dwarf World War II by comparison. The choice is ours.
A Startling Glimpse into the Arab & Muslim World
D. Keebler | 09/17/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
Clearly this documentary can only focus on one aspect of radical Islam since it has a limited amount of time to make it's points. The topic is indoctrination of the Muslim world with radical jihadist ideology, and how that is causing global jihad to spread war against many different countries and peoples. Footage of Arab television is stunning.
This film presents only one piece of the puzzle of radical Islam. Yet it is a great piece of the puzzle to start with. You'll witness the massive power and energy invested in poisoning the minds of Arabs and Muslims worldwide, hijacking Islam, and threatening the world.
1) Towards the end of the film, they make a most crucial statement: The people who need the most support in fighting radical Islam are those Muslims who do NOT support the radicalization of their religion. Currently, such muslims must put their families lives at risk if they wish to speak out against the Islamists. Yet Western politicians and media have continued to fail in supporting moderate muslims, while doling out support for radical groups such as CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations).
2) An additional point that the film makes - although subtly since this point kind of goes against the film's title - is that radical Islam is not only attacking the West, but is attacking non-Muslim Africans in Darfur, Buddhists in Asia, and their very own fellow Arabs in the middle east. Caroline Glick, one of the interviewees, makes the point that these ongoing conflicts are not unrelated, despite the Western media spinning them that way.
The only people I've met and read online who respond negatively to this film are those who find more "facts" and "professionalism" in conspiracy theory films.
Many people find it difficult to face the fact that muslim terrorists come from an entirely different world than Westerners are used to, or can even imagine. Such people find it easier to create detailed and overly intricate stories to explain global jihad, such as the CIA or the Bush Administration, etc. than to accept the reality of our world today.
Meanwhile brave Arabs and Muslims, such as the men and women featured in Obsession, come to tell their stories about the people they grew up with, and share with us all they know about radical Islam and its intentions for our world. Yet feeble minded conspiracy theorists spit in their faces. Please show your support for such brave Muslims by listening to their stories and taking their words with deep regard.
I manned checkpoints in the Israeli army, finishing just before the 2006 war with Hizbullah. The Palestinians that I got to know in the West Bank occasionally confided in me that they are trapped in their world. If they even speak out against the jihadists, they will be slaughtered. They told me that their true wish is NOT their own state, but rather to move to Israel! to the West, to freedom! But what can they do? This is why you need to see the film. To see the world that they are living in, which directly effects the rest of our globalized world. The war we are in is far more complex than you can imagine. Your greatest weapon is education."
What you don't know can kill you
Jonathan Gardner | Federal Way, WA USA | 09/11/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Open up your history books and recall that before WWII broke out, British citizens were fed a sanitized version of Hitler. This was why they were asleep and why they failed to realize that Hitler was a massive threat. A few politicians realized what Hitler was up to, what it all meant, and what the inevitable future would bring. These politicians were ignored, and rather than stomping out the embers when they could barely start a fire, we were left with the holocaust, a massive world war, and millions dead across the globe.
What you don't know can kill you.
I watched this movie and I was surprised. I thought I knew what was happening in foreign muslim countries. I thought I was familiar with the extent of the indoctrination, the extent of the preaching of American and Israeli and Western hatred and the depth of these emotions. I was wrong. The problem is much, much more severe than you can imagine.
We are watching a movement, like the Fascist movement, like the Imperial Japan movement. We are watching it form, but we in America, like the people in Britain in the 1930's, the very people who can easily crush the embers, are not being told the full story. We are given a sanitized version. We do not understand the extent of the hatred, the violence, and the devotion of those who want to kill us.
We have a choice: stop our ears and ignore the signs of disaster, or take the threat seriously this time and prevent it from spreading into global conflict.
We already know what happens when we ignore serious threats--we have already paid the price in blood and treasure across the globe, and even here at home.
We must face the real threat, understand our enemy, and learn what drives them. We must hear their propaganda, hear their death chants, and feel the intensity of their hatred against us. We must learn why negotiation is impossible, and victory is the only choice. We must do this or face even more death."
The minority among Muslims are taking the majority of the ac
P. N Randolph | Austin, TX USA | 09/09/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"With the thwarted attacks in Germany this week, this documentary becomes even more timely and critical. Perhaps only a few percent of Muslims actively support jihad against the West? Possibly. Yet, that is many millions of people that demand submission to their religious creed. They are the ones who are actively recruiting, and converts get their particular take on the way of the Qu'ran. This "small minority" are those who threaten or accomplish violence against their critics. This "small minority" believes that death is a promotion, and that *your* death is a blessing. They have no motivation to negotiate, as their value system has nothing in common with that of people who would "discuss the situation."
I'm looking forward to the commercial release of this important film. I hope that they lose none of the impact of the pre-release version. If you watch it and find points that you disagree with, take it as a call to debate. Do the research and form educated opinions. Name calling adds nothing to the conversation, however. The jihadist movement plays squarely to the West's inclination toward tolerance. Tolerance of the intolerant is merely submission."