Eddie Murphy's remake of The Nutty Professor used the good professor's alter ego, Buddy Love, in much the same way that Jerry Lewis did in his brilliant original: a representation of the id out of control that plays like a... more »n admission of the actor's off-screen sins. In the sequel, Murphy expands on his Klump family from the first film and makes them major characters. Consequently, his dark side has plenty more places to express itself, particularly through the oversexed grandmother, Sherman's aggressively impotent father, and his just plain surly uncle, as well as Buddy Love (all played by Murphy). The movie opens with professor Sherman Klump barely holding onto his sanity as his internal Buddy Love makes him say inappropriate things. He decides to extract his mutant Buddy Love gene (a sort of genetic version of electroshock therapy), but afterward is unable to maintain his original personality and intelligence. Sherman is the most bland character of the bunch, and the audience gets stuck with his boring romance with fellow professor Janet Jackson, his struggle to be nice, and generic intrigue surrounding a Fountain of Youth formula he developed. When it's not trying too hard to be nice--heck, one character is anally raped by a giant hamster--the movie works. The moral of the story is that Sherman needs to reconnect with their inner Buddy Love. That goes for Murphy, too. --Andy Spletzer« less
"What movie were these people watching? They couldn't have been watching Nutty Professor 2.This was one of the funniest movies of the year.I laughed the entire time I was in the theatre. I thought this movie was hysterically funny. I laughed so hard that a few times I had to stop eating my popcorn for fear of choking! Murphys performance in the movie was amazing. The character that stood out the most was that of the grandmother, which Mr Murphy says he based on his own actual grandmom. What a HOOT she was. Sure it had some far fetched moments,like the hamster scene for instance. That could have been left on the cutting room floor, but other then that I thought the movie was a good time.I don't know why all of these so called critics have been giving this movie such a bad review. I thought Eddie Murphy did an excellent job playing all of these different characters. You actually thought they were all different actors. As for "JANET" Miss Jackson if you're nasty! I thought she gave great support. A lot of the so called critics have stated that they didn't know that Ms. Jackson could act. I guess they seem to have forgotten that she was an actress before she became a singer. Remember Good times? Back to Eddie Murphy. Again I felt that his performance was top notch and very, very funny. I highly reccomend this movie for his die hard fans. It reminds one of his Saturday night live days. Just go to see this movie with the thought that this is just a comedy and shouldn't be taken to seriously like so many critics do. They already have their little mind made up before they actually go see the film which is totally unfair to say the least. I bet you that if JIM CARREY had played this role, they would have ruled it as the second coming.... The movie was funny, Bottom line.. Go see it! Great job Mr. Murphy!"
The Klumps Uncensored/ Censored-There isn't mush difference
aniesha sapp | Oakland, CA United States | 06/15/2001
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Nutty Professor II was a funny movie, I own the DVD. When I saw that they had an uncensored version I was excited to see what was considered too racey for to the version that was in the theaters. I was very disappointed. There aren't any extra scenes. Just a few more lines from about 3 of the characters, which does not make much of a difference in the movie. As far as the Extra Features...I was looking forward to seeing Janet Jackson's screen test. BIG disappointment. They just show the wardrobe test of Janet in Mama's hug wedding dress. I was expecting to see Janet basically auditioning, reading for the part of Denise Gaines. Dont get me wrong i Loved Nutty Professor II and I am I huge Janet Jackson fan, but I would suggest that you either get one version (Censored or Uncensored) or the other. There is no reason to have both. Also check the running time of both movie. the Uncensored version is only 2 minutes longer, so that should tell you how much of a difference there is in the two versions of Nutty II."
Nutty 2 better than the original? I think so!
bcdzoom | Ohio, United States | 10/12/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Nutty Professor 2 was one of the funniest movies this summer. It was definitely better and had a better story than the other fat suiyt comedy this year, Big Mamma's House. This one is better because we get more of Eddie at what he does best and we get Janet Jackson, who lights up the screen with her presence. Granny Klump is the best. She makes you laugh every time you see her. Great movie! Funny movie! Excellent Characters! Get it now!"
Pretty Good Movie. The Uncensored Version Is The Same Thing
bcdzoom | 08/11/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"WARNING! MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS! READ WITH CAUTION! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!!!!!!O.K. I really like Nutty Proffesor 2 The Klumps. If you get past some of the sex jokes (some which aren't even funny) and the sick, perverted things (a hampster raping Dean Richmend) you'll find yourself laughing pretty darn hard. I'll admit it is pretty funny. Not really like Airplane! but good for a few laughs.Since I'm sure you've seen other reviews that tell you the plot I'm not going to even bother. Instead, I'll tell you what I think of this Uncensored Director's Cut. First off, I own the reqular version on VHS, and I was quite happy with it, but when I saw the Ucensored DVD, WOW!!! I got excited. Imagine what could have been considered to Rated-R-ish, and was cut out!!!! There might be some pretty funny stuff in there!!! I got the DVD, and unwrapped the plastic and put the disk in my DVD player. Oh, I was so prepared to get blown away, the same way I got blown away with the Extended Special Edition of Terminator 2 Judgement Day Ultimate Edition (by the way, the code for T2's Extended Special Edition is 82997), but sadly, I was not blown away by the Nutty Proffesor 2 The Klumps Uncensored Director's Cut. The back of the cover says things like "The Mariachi Senade Gets Wilder," "Denise Gets A Big Surprise", and "The Hot Tub Gets Steamier". Well, the Mariachi Senade scene only had one added line (that is unfunny). The "Denise Gets A Big Surprise" scene includes........... NOTHING (?) new. And the "Hot Tub Gets Steamier" scene simply has a new shot of Granny with a SLIGHTLEY more exagerated face. I think I once read somewhere that false advertisement is against the law. Well, this sure is false advertisement. Also, in some of the new lines, the picture gets all screwed up (?). But, I must also mention that there are One and a 1/2 added minutes of outtakes, that are quite funny, but were propably cut just to be put in this version. Another thing, look at the back of the cover on Terminator 2 Judgement Day. Sixteen minutes of added footage!!! Wow!!! Now look at this cover. Two minutes of new stuff. Uh, wow. And, consider this, those two added minutes are all outtakes!!!! WHAT A CHEAT!!!!!! But, then theres special features. There's a pointless, 1 and 1/2 minute long featurrete. A good commentary by the director, Peter Segal, and one with the director and producer, Brian Grazer. There are some screen tests and such. The best thing about this disk is the DVD-ROM features. You can listen to interviews with Sherman Klump and Granny Klump. Funny!!! You can even make your own poster!!!! Cool!!!! But, one thing, in the commentary with Peter Segel, he talks all about things that were cut out, like this, the dinner table scene in the movie (Censored Or Uncensored) is 5 minutes. The original way (and the way that they shot it) was 14 minutes. Wouldn't everyone like to see the real dinner-table sequence? I would. Well, it's just 5 minutes in this version. What a cheat. So. basically, I'm saying, if you don't have the movie on DVD at all, get this one for the outtakes and DVD-ROM stuff, but, if you already have the other DVD, don't get this. Really, no difference. Brett Michael Roberts"
Holy Laugh Riot Batman!
Toni Smith | Cadyville, NY USA | 12/06/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"So I like literally peed my pants during this movie. It was so good! The first one was hilarious and had a great great cast (umm Eddie Murphy..) But the second one really developed the life of the Klumps and that was where it was neat. The Klumps really are so funny and made the movie. Eddie Murphy continues to triumph every time he does a comedy. Everyone should see this movie."