Not Just Good...
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This guy is great. Master Yong Kil Song, former Captain of the Emergency Response Unit for The Korean Special Forces and Master of several Martial Arts including Taekwondo, Yudo, Hapkido (my favorite) and Weapons Expert including Sai, Tonfa and of course Nunchaku/Nunchucks.This Top Rate DVD is superior to anything close out there teaching:Grips
Strike Essentials
Origin, other Weapon Applicaions and more. Within the first 5 minutes Master Song is already demonstrating reverse grip attacks even I have'nt seen, and I thought I'd seen it all. The whole DVD is full of suprises like that, and is also rather excellent about extending and evolving initial Nunchuck strikes into multitudes of combinations where you're sometimes glad that every technique is also demonstrated in slow motion so you don't miss how they otherwise twist and spin like a whirlwind in the hands of this extraordinary Master and Teacher. It is also very good that it is made clear that alhough Nunchaku is a *LETHAL Weapon*, it's dynamic power must not be used to bring harm to anyone, but also an ideal tool to sharpen one's coordinative skills and reflexes, builld strength and agility for your hands and fingers for empty hand Martial Arts and also enhances your gracefulness with Sword and other Weapon Arts. Looking forward now towards the Nunchaku Forms Video to apply and challenge myself in mastering the new techinques I learned here."
Too expensive to be a basic video. Very disappointing.
Claudio R. R. Alves | Rio de Janeiro -Brasil | 05/23/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This instructional dvd is very abridged, even for a beginner, like me, it doesn't bring much help. It's way too basic, it doesn't show neither combat techniques using the weapon, nor more advanced techniques, only the essential of the essential. We never see the nunchaku being used on a man-to-man confrontation, or in action against other weapons, for instance.
I guess this dvd only helps the absolute newcomer to martial arts, but the title should be rewritten: NUNCHAKU FOR ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS. ONLY THE ESSENTIALS. Along with this new classification, the price could also drop, let's say, to less than 10 bucks, because there's nothing in this dvd that justifies it being more expensive than many of the classic movies. So, dear friend, being a beginner or even a martial arts expert, save your money, I'm sure that there are better materials out there. As for the beginners, you would be much better off watching some good old master Bruce Lee's films than trying to learn from this video. I mean its philosophy is good, the movements are shown in slow motion and in a side angle, but that's not enough to make this dvd any good. Master Young seems tpo be tired and bored most of the time.
I'm no artial marts expert, quite the opposite in fact, but I tell you this, I learned a lot more by only watching Lee's movements in his films and then trying to follow along than by the contents of this dvd. Any dvd which comprises less than 60 minutes (its total running time is approximately 70 minutes, but this is due to more than 10 minutes of propaganda of other martial arts) can't cost 30 bucks. Save your money. The extra star goes for the minimum amount of movements I could get from this dvd."
Great way to learn strikes and combinations
Jay Genaro | San Diego CA | 01/20/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I'd fooled around with a pair of nunchuks on and off, but never had any formal instuction. I knew how to swing them and catch, but that was about it. Since buying this DVD (about 2 months ago) I've learned not just the basic strikes and catches, but some awesome looking combinations. The slow motion views really help you get the details down right (and avoid hitting yourself in the head!) while the full speed demonstrations give you something to work toward. Don't expect to just pick up a pair of chuks and pop this dvd in and go but with a lot of practice and repeated watching of the dvd to pick up the nuances, you'll be looking like a pro in no time. Next up on my list: the forms dvd by this same instructor, which has double chuks on it."