An intimate and revealing picture of a legend
Zach Kluckman | 12/21/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This documentary presents us with Allen Ginsberg in a very intimate manner, and by the end of it, you feel as if you know more of the man for the experience. Poetry is always subjective, but seeing and hearing about his life and death from his own lips and those of the people who loved him gives us a deeper insight into what his words meant, and what they meant to so many. You don't have to be a poet to apprecaite this portrait of a counter-culture icon, but for the poets who do watch it, there are a lot of very exciting and interesting features in the show itself. Just hearing about the beginnings of the Beat movement, and watching Ginsberg act/react to William Buckley and the politics of the day is invigorating. There are several clips of Ginsberg reciting his work, as well as clips of other poets and his life partner reading his poems threaded throughout, which make a solid backdrop to the rare footage and interviews the producer has put together. Add to that the chance to hear from Ferlinghetti, Kerouac, Snyder, and a plethora of other amazing writers, and this 50 minute doc becomes a riveting experience that is sure to leave you with a deeper respect for Ginsberg and his work.
Unfortunately there are no special features on the disc, but the people and things happening on screen in the body of the film are more than worth while. I especially enjoyed Ginsberg jamming the short version of "Ballad of the Skeletons" with Paul McCartney, and Patti Smith reading a tribute poem. All in all, this one is well worth watching. Take it home and have a copy of the collected works nearby when you watch it, because afterwards you'll be wanting to dig down with some more of his work!"
Very little information within
JAV | Denver, CO | 01/31/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I saw THE LIFE AND TIMES OF ALLEN GINSBERG DVD and a lot of that film ended up in this very short British TV version without any extras. I think that the over 8 hour DVD that this is paired with (85 minute film and over 6 hours of amazing extras) gives the viewers much more value for their time and money. If you buy both you are wasting your money in my opinion.
Back to the 60's
Robert Hanson | Neshkoro WI | 02/17/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I am a follower of Ginsberg, having discovered the poet in my soul in my later years. I was nutured by the beat poets as I struggled through the 60's. This DVD brings back sweet memories and facts that have enlightened me again and again. A must for the student of petry and the beats or any one who enjoys a good "watch". koshin, Bob Hanson"