Northern Shaolin Sword - Advanced Sword Training at its Best
NorthStar | Long Island, NY | 12/01/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This comprehensive YMAA Northern Shaolin sword program offers techniques, drills, matching (partner) training, a matching form, martial applications and three exciting and vigorous sword sequences: San Cai Jian, Kun Wu Jian and Qi Men Jian.
The program kicks off with the Sword Lecture in which Master Yang, Jwing-Ming discusses the pros and cons of using longer, heavier swords vs. shorter, lighter swords, and the effects these choices have on balance and fighting strategy.
In the Hand Grips and Sword Secret section that follows, Master Yang discusses and demonstrates basic hand positions for projecting power into the sword, basic ways to hold swords with the right and left hand, and proper gripping.
In the next three sections -- Fundamental Stances, Key Techniques and Applications and Fundamental Training -- Master Yang introduces and demonstrates nine stances, twenty "key" sword techniques and nine fundamental training drills that focus on specific movements and techniques encountered in the forms. Practicing these stances, techniques and training drills will help build the understanding and skill required for the form sequences that follow.
To facilitate learning, all three form sequences -- San Qai Jian, Kun Wu Jian, & Qi Men Jian -- are demonstrated multiple times at "slow" and "regular" speeds by Master Yang and his assistants (Nicholas Yang, Kathy Yang, and George Dominguez). Each sequence is presented and demonstrated as a solo form (multiple demonstrations at slow & regular speed, by different performers), as four separate "parts" or sections (multiple demonstrations of each part at slow and regular speed, by different performers) and as individual movements during the marital applications sections (solo and with partner).
Additionally, this program includes the San Qai Jian matching (partner) form demonstrated twice at slow and regular speeds and a Sword Matching Training section which includes 15 two-person matching drills.
Northern Shaolin Sword by Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming is designed so that it can be used with the YMAA book of the same title. While this DVD program expertly and amply demonstrates a wide range of movements, the book discusses the theory behind the movements. With that said, this five star DVD stands on its' own as an invaluable sword training program of the highest quality.
Norther Shaolin Sword Forms
RichardW | New York, NY | 11/22/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I am familiar with several Yang Style Taiji sword forms and was curious to see what Northern Shaolin sword techniques and forms looked like.
This DVD demonstrates 3 different Northern Shaolin forms in detail: San Cai Jian, Kun Wu Jian and Qi Men Jian.
It includes a lecture on the care and handling of Chinese swords and a discussion of the tradeoffs between sword length and individual strength and skills.
Each form is demonstrated at several different speeds: learning speed (slow) and normal speed (fast).
The forms are demonstrated by 4 different people so that you can see variations in technique and speed. Applications are shown for many of the techniques in each form.
The San Cai Jian form is uniquely symmetrical in attack and defense and is performed either "solo", like most forms, or "matching" with 2 people in a paired practice. The section on San Cai Jian also includes demos of hand grips, stances and 20 or so basic sword techniques. It also shows several 2 people form technique practice exercises.
The quality of the form demonstrations is excellent.
This DVD is very good if you are familiar with other Chinese sword forms and are curious about the Norther Shaolin techniques.
The DVD is really superb if you are in the process of learning these sword forms since it is broken down at various speeds and demonstrated many times by several different people.