Kind of a tear-jerker
Bradley F. Smith | Miami Beach, FL | 01/29/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"While noble in intent, this portrayal of a woman's struggles in the iron mines of northern Minnesota loses something in the realism department by casting the glamorous Charlize Theron in the lead role. Anyone who looked like her simply had to load her pickup truck and move to California, Florida or elsewhere to find better jobs. Still, this message movie is pretty well done, and Frances McDormand is great, as always. The accents are realistic, and the men are, too. Watch it."
North Country (Full Screen Edition)
Arnita D. Brown | USA | 02/11/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"When Josey Aimes returns to her hometown in Northern Minnesota after a failed marriage, she needs a good job. A single mother with two children, she turns to the predominant source of employment in the region--the iron mines. The mines provide a livelihood that has sustained a community for generations. It's an industry long dominated by men, in a place unaccustomed to change. Encouraged by her old friend Glory, one of the few female miners in town, Josey joins the ranks of those laboring to blast ore from rock in the gaping quarries. She is prepared for the back-breaking and often dangerous work, but coping with the harassment she and the other female miners encounter from their male coworkers proves far more challenging. The last thing the miners want is women competing for scarce jobs--women who, in their estimation, have no business driving trucks and hauling rock anyway. When Josey speaks out against the treatment she and her fellow workers face she is met with resistance. This movie is a compelling drama that is well shot, directed and acted. An engaging movie that will satisfy."