Currently Available DVDs (5) | Currently Unavailable DVDs (20)2005 - Bewitched (UMD for PSP) 2005 - Romantic Comedy 3-Pack (You've Got Mail / The Wedding Singer / Two Weeks Notice) 2004 - Starter Pack (Sleepless in Seattle / Godzilla / The Mask of Zorro / Ghostbusters) 2004 - Something's Gotta Give / Sleepless in Seattle 2003 - Practical Magic You've Got Mail (2pc) 2001 - Mixed Nuts 2001 - Love Tickles (My Best Friend's Wedding / Sleepless in Seattle / The Wedding Planner / As Good as It Gets) 2001 - Lucky Numbers 2000 - Hanging Up / Sleepless in Seattle Sleepless in Seattle When Harry Met Sally (2pc)