Thought Provoking Life Lesson
Scott Neth | Manteca, California | 11/24/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"In this short lesson Rob Bell provokes thought in who you are and who you are trying to be. Too many of us are dissatisfied with ourselves and often try quite unsuccessfully to emulate those we look up to; a coach, a teacher, an athlete or star. Rob encourages us to look inwardly as we place that first unsure foot on a journey toward self discovery."
Tell me who are you......are you....ooh ooh....
David Kenney | California | 09/20/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I use this video when I teach my spiritual gifts class because it stresses the importance of being you, knowing you and being the person God designed you to be. In the video Rob talks about Jacob wrestling God [Jesus] by the Jabok. In the story God changes Jacob's name to Israel, but only after Jacob has been away from his family for several years - hopefully coming to grips with his own identity.
I needed this daily meditation. I spend a lot of ...wait let me start over.
I waste a lot of time in ministry reflecting how my church can be like Northpointe, or my preaching could be like Francis Chan or if I could just write like Brian Mclaren, or if I knew my bible like Scott McKnight, or If I knew the church like Phyllis Tickle.
If I could only be more like Rob Bell.
"Are we so concerned with what others think that we miss out on who God created us to be?"
Recently I have been doing a lot of soul searching preparing for a calling and the interview process...I mean, "Who am I?" I have done a spiritual gifts class, read Strength Finders so I know all of those testable "strengths" and "talents."
But my INFJ certainly doesn't reveal any divine destiny or master plan. THAT is not who God shaped me to be. The awesome thing at this point in my life is.... I don't know.
I'm 41 and my life is just now coming into focus.
..and best of all, I am ready."