The end and the beginning
E. A Solinas | MD USA | 09/09/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"It's always darkest right before the dawn -- or so they say.
And that is certainly the case with the final four episodes of "Noein," a unique mix of quantum physics, sci-fi and preteen adventure. All the characters encounter the horrifying potential of their future -- and the truth about their shadowy enemy.
Karasu, Haruka and Yuu are left wandering through the dreamlike timespace of Shangri-la. As they rest, Karasu reveals the terrible face of Haruka's alter ego -- and is interrupted by the spectral Noein. Haruka reluctantly goes with him, if he agrees not to harm Yuu or Karasu.
And then Haruka's house is swept, Wizard-of-Oz-style, into Shangri-la -- with Atori and the kids inside. Haruka is forced to watch as Noein reveals the possible futures of Miho, Ai and Isami -- Ai loses her leg and her soccer dreams, Isami is disfigured in a gang fight, and Miho crumbles from constant bullying. The three kids face being lost in these potential futures, unless they can reunite.
But then Noein reveals his most horrifying secret, and the traumatic past that is leading him to unite all timespaces. As the timespaces collide and the universe starts to unravel, the last of the Dragon Knights are attacked by Shangri-la's ships. And Haruka and Yuu must find the strength to stop Noein forever...
There's a lot to wrap up in these last four episodes, and there's not a wasted minute in any of them. Unlike many series, this one ends with a perfect blend of characterization, action and drama -- and leaves most of the plot threads nicely tied in a complex bow.
Even the animation seems more impressive in this one -- mysterious lights, contorting pale bodies, a clock-face floor and a glowing idyll with a rotten heart. And there's plenty of action too, with Karasu thrashing the guruships, and Atori fending off an invasion into our timespace using his "quantum giant" form.
But the story's real focus is on Yuu and Haruka, and the temptations and horrors that Noein is waving in front of them. Yet his creepy monologues never become boring, and neither do the other-timespace flashbacks he torments the other characters with.
The three leads get the most attention -- Haruka is tempted by Noein, and Yuu finds out that he may be destined to become a deranged monster. Their struggles are handled beautifully, as is the final confrontation with Noein. And Karasu becomes almost interchangeable with Yuu as the boy becomes stronger and more assertive.
But the other characters don't get shortchanged either -- it's actually painful to see bright sweet Miho, tough Ai and brash Isami being so broken in one possible future, all because they no longer had their friends to rely on. Even Noein -- who looks like a gelatinous, anorexic version of Karasu -- can be pitiable.
And the ending scenes are absolutely stunning. The final conversation between Karasu and Haruka in the blue snow is a thing of simple beauty, as is the quiet final scene after the credits.
"Noein comes to a bittersweet, beautiful finale that handles all its farewells -- to characters and story -- with grace and skill. A worthy ending to a brilliant anime series."
Satisfying conclusion to an underrated and brilliant series | 09/20/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Here is a truth about anime: The endings can be incredibly frustrating.
I say that as a long time anime fan. It is a rare anime series that ends as good or better than it began and even the great ones can leave some fans going, "What the heck??" or at the very least, split in opinion.
Noein isn't one of those anime. The conclusion is as satisfying as the journey.
I won't go into details since the previous review already adds many details.
Suffice it to say that this is a series that once it is started, it is hard to stop watching. The scriptwriters did a fine job at creating and sustaining the mystery of what is happening over several dimensions and what I found most amazing was that they were able to keep my attention from wandering when it delved into the more complex ideas of parallel universes and quantum physics in a remarkably comprehensible and palatable way, even for the non-techie like me.
But it is the characters who drive the story and this is one story that keeps track of its cast. Yuu, Haruka and Karasu may be the center focus but it is fabulous to watch a story that doesn't ignore the secondary characters and their fates because that is the story and how being recognized is part of one's existence. My favorite characters were actually Ai and Esami and it was gratifying that I got to see them develop as the series went on right up to the end.
The art style is very unique and very non-standard anime, but it works. Special mention goes to the action sequences, especially the fight sequences were incredible.
The English cast does a fine job of voice acting. Crispin Freeman gets an additional kudo for his work as Karasu and more. But really, the entire cast, both Japanese and English, were excellent and I feel lucky to have found this series.
Overall, I highly recommend this series to anyone who is interested in a solid science fiction series with good characters and a fine plot that sustains its suspense right to the end."
A Masterpiece!
Music and Anime Fan 12 | Texas | 10/25/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Noein will go down as one of the classics in Anime. It's stunning and breathtaking to look at. You'll have to catch your breath a couple of times watching this series! I'm not going to give any of the story away. But IMO if you like Science fiction you'll want to see Noein.
The characters are powerful and charming and the dub cast is great!
Noein is Anime at its finest!"