Perfect for those who enjoy historic epics with romance and
Richard J. Brzostek | New England, USA | 08/26/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
""Noce i Dnie" (Nights and Days) is a long historic epic based on a novel. The movie runs over four hours and contains the family problems and drama one would expect in a soap opera. The events in the film span decades of time - from the late 1800s to the early 1900s.
The story is presented as the reflections of an elderly woman. As the chaos of World War I affects her life, she thinks back to how she lived. We are kept enthralled by what she lived though. Her life and the time she lived in were eventful; to name a few, she married a man she didn't love, many of her close relatives died and bringing up her children had its share of troubles.
It is fascinating to watch her mature as a person. As a younger woman, she complained and nagged to her husband about everything. With time, she slowly becomes more mature and sensible. Although she makes her share of mistakes, we slowly get to like her as the film progresses.
"Noce i Dnie" is perfect for those who enjoy historic epics with romance and drama. This classic in Polish cinema is family friendly as well. Its colorful characters and soothing music are memorable and sure to entertain.
A treasure from the past...
Barbara Witke | Tampa Bay, FL | 03/14/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This film was a big hit when it was first released in Poland. I didn't get to watch it until a few years later when I was in my pre-teen years. It has made quite an impact on my young and impressionable mentality then. I just realized that the version I watched then was the television release, while the DVD I just received is the full theatrical version. Growing up, this was by far my favorite movie. In a way, it shaped how I viewed adult relationships, what character traits I was looking for in a mate, and what mistakes I didn't want to make. Both of the main characters are quite complex, lovable and "very human".
I have just seen the film after almost 30 years, and I enjoyed it now as much as I did then. The theatrical version develops slowly, but to me, it was well worth it. In order to be completely engaged and even spellbound by the storyline, I had to let go of the need for immediate gratification that I have acquired over the course of the last two decades. The characters were very vivid in my mind, and I was amazed at how well I remembered the details.
Be forewarned though, the movie lasts for more than four hours :) Having said that, I will gladly watch it again and again. Not too often though :) Besides the human experience, elements of this lovely yet sad saga of two people, I feel especially sentimental about the historical aspect playing a parallel role in this movie among its many characters. It's an instant refresher course in the history of my native country.
If you're willing to invest 4+ hours into watching this movie, and overlooking the fact that the technology and editing style are quite outdated, I highly recommend this film. Especially, if you're either of Polish descent or a history buff."
Develops Slowly
Steve Perlowski | Des Moines, IA | 01/17/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Although the first half of this four-hour film is slow going, it does--like a good Russian novel--introduce and develop the two principal characters, so that by the time Part 2 rolls along, we know them, appreciate them, and get drawn into the wonderfully meaningful adventure that is their flawed and virtuous life together. [I would have liked to have known where in Poland's current geography this 1863 to 1914 saga occurred. During these years, Poland had been partitioned/annexed between Prussia (in the west), Russia (in the east), and Austria (in the south)]."