Wow! This anime series is awesome!
Rita | Ohio | 09/02/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Way back when, my friend was telling me about an anime series. "It's pretty cool!" she said, "The main character is a vampire, and he has this cute little fairy partner! It's called Nightwalker!" She didn't give me a very detailed plotline, but she had only seen one or two episodes. Anyway, I forgot about it for a week or so, until one day I saw it and decided to pick it up.
I was not disappointed. I ended up watching the second DVD first by accident, but oh well. I don't know why people keep calling this anime series cliché's not. There are some parts that are, but that didn't really detract from the series. There are a bunch of original things to enjoy as well though. For instance, I thought it was truly unique that the vampires could make weapons out of their own blood. Shido has a sword, and Cain has a whip. Well, actually they can both use either one, but they usually stick to their respective weapons. Also, I like the little detail that their eyes can change gold when they're in full "vampire mode." (No, that's not what they actually call it.)
Another original aspect is the breed. The breed are both similar and different than vampires. A few differences are that the breed don't come with bodies...they have to possess a human. They also feed off of human energy rather than blood. Shido has made it his quest to destroy the breed, even though vampires and the breed are usually comrades. Together with Yayoi, his blood donor and partner, Guni, an urban fairy, and Riho, his young secretary, he sets out to save humans from them.
The best part of the series though, in my opinion, is definitely Cain and his relationship with Shido. Cain is Shido's sire, and he's deeply in love with him, though Shido doesn't return the feelings. His quest in life is to get Shido to return to him. In the second DVD all the characters get remodeled... Cain was rather ugly in the first DVD, but in the second one - wow! He's simply gorgeous.
The opening is one of the coolest openings I've ever seen in any anime so far. The song they play is Gessekai, and it's a beautiful song.
If you're bored of the usual in vampire movies and anime, check this one out. It's definitely refreshing, and the only bad part is that it was too short! It'll leave you wanting more."
Kathryn Beattie | 04/03/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Many many people will tell you that Nightwalker is one of the more clichéd Vampire anime's out there. And it is. All the standard vampire rules apply. If you're buying the second disk, then I'd assume you've seen the first and enjoied it so I don't have to talk you into loving it. In this disk you see more of Shido's past and Riho's new life as a vampire is explored. I'm not sure about other people's experiences, but I found some of the colouring and a couple of other aspects changed as the series progressed. My other big whinge is that there's not enough of it! I could have very happily watched quite a bit more of this one :)"