On March 13, 1997, several thousand people?including community leaders and law-enforcement officials?witnessed an unidentified flying object in Phoenix, Arizona. On one desolate road, six strangers had a particularly harro... more »wing experience with what became known as the "Phoenix Lights." Inspired by real events, Night Skies utilizes actual transcripts from witness hypnotherapy sessions to examine what happened to those six, and to reveal the greater truth behind one infamous night. Jason Connery (Shanghai Noon), A.J. Cook (Final Destination 2) and George Stults (TV's 7th Heaven) star in this film.« less
Inspired by real events, a real eye opener and a solid plotline. Watch and make your own conclusions. Avoid the biased reviews about this movie. A must see!
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Janice J. (dizzheart) Reviewed on 4/7/2009...
Starts off with John McCain being asked about UFOs. Allegedly based on the "Phoenix Lights" sightings of 1997, but turned out to be just another chase-hot-girls-through-the-woods thriller, with no real point to it or resolution. The special effects aren't bad, but if you're hoping for a movie that really talks about UFOs and what might be going on there, you're better off with Fire in the Sky or Earth vs the Flying Saucers - both hugely entertaining and better written than this minor time-passer. Worth a watch for completists, though.
6 of 7 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
Horror - Not Sci-Fi
Wayne Beckham | Fontana, CA USA | 01/14/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"First off, the movie's not as bad other reviews may have made out. Just know what you're in for. This is a horror film - not science fiction!
"Night Skies" bills itself as based on a true-story and, in a very twisted way, it is. There was in fact a whole series of unexplained lights sighted over Phoenix Arizona, ten years ago this coming March, by millions of people, virtually none of whom believed any of the official explanations (which changed four times.)
There was not, however, any reports by anybody of being stranded on an outback road and being subjected to a horrific alien abduction. Unfortunately, using the (genuine) Phoenix Lights sighting as a pretext for the (fictional) abductions shown in the movie is just about the only original idea in this movie.
But let me praise before I criticize - the movie starts out very effectively, beginning with a clip of Senator John McCain commenting on UFO's in general and discussing the Phoenix Lights in particular. There's also effective use of some genuine footage of the Phoenix Lights as shot by actual eyewitnesses. The lighting is very good and gives a real feeling of isolation and claustrophobia in equal parts. Marsy Blasgen's creature effects are very good - the aliens are suitably spooky and just "grey" enough to satisfy most UFOlogist types.
The acting is as good as it can be, given the limitations of the characters. There's only three interesting characters, Jason Connery as Richard, A.J. Cook as Lilly, and Ashley Peldon, who plays a yummy (and all-too-brief) eye-candy part as Molly. Everyone else never really develops into anything except as caricatures placed in the script to get the body count up. Even the suggestion of romance waiting to bloom between Richard and Molly is snuffed out by evil aliens, obviously disinterested in character development or the integrity of the plot line. Still, don't think that I'm entirely discarding the actor's performances - they're doing their best. There's just not much to work with.
Maybe I'm just being too critical of these particular aliens, who have none of the finesse we've come to expect from years of "X-Files." Instead of paralyzing their victims, floating them through any barrier, into antiseptically clean examination rooms where painless procedures are performed in the name of (alien) science, these guys are a little more, shall we say, direct. These seem to be the alien equivalent of back-woods, inbred hillbilly's busting through windows, blasting down doors, (completely leveling one structure) and grabbing their teen victims with the shocking suddenness of a Jason or Freddy.
And that's my real problem with this move - and a minor complaint given the genre: slasher-flick. As I watched the story unfold I got a weird feeling of déjà vu - I had seen all this somewhere before. Had I been abducted by aliens, only to have the appalling memories sealed away forever?
Unfortunately, the truth is less compelling. Ideas and concepts from many, many horror films are lifted almost verbatim and thrown into the plot in a frantic fashion. You'll recognize scenes from "The Hills Have Eyes," "Night of the Living Dead," "Fire in the Sky," and (the most obvious of all) "Carrie."
Still, if you liked the Freddy or Jason franchises, you'll enjoy this movie. Just don't expect a Stanton Friedman lecture!"
Don't waste your time
Jonathan D. Lawrence | Trenton, NJ | 11/11/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Within the first ten minutes, I hated everyone in this movie. I don't understand why recent movies have mean spirited people in it. Maybe I'm just getting old. These Hollywood jackasses' should realize that not everyone acts like THEM or their bratty KIDS. Cursing every five seconds, putting each other down every chance they get, Going for the POT as soon a the situation presents itself, drinking while driving. Give me a break.
This is all within the first ten minutes. I would care less if they drove off a mountain by that point.
I know it's only a movie, but movies reflect society and movies influence it as well.
Based On A True Story? Yeah... okay
Micheal Hunt | Hellbourne | 01/21/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I grabbed this cause it took my interest of Alien/Sci-Fi/Horror movies. I knew right away that when I read on the cover it is based on a true story that that was not true, I refuse to believe that, but I hoped for an interesting story and a decent movie tho.
However I soon discovered that a group of friends driving there R.V who spot a bunch of light's in the sky and end up crashing because the driver did not notice a man and his broken down car on the side road end's up making them skid into a power pole and crash.
One of them end's up with a knife in his back and the driver of the broken down car end's up trying to help them as a couple of them venture into the woods and get picked off by "aliens" like a Jason Voorhee's could have done it.
Then they come back, yelling away, blah blah blah, let's get out of here, oh no she's dead, the aliens have abducted us, the dingo stole my baby and then end credits.
Overall, this movie as I expected was claimed to be based on a true story, which is a lie, it's just to get your attention, and then the plot is not at all well thought out, and then goes into a lot of a waste of time to watch and thing's that could have been done better.
About the only decent idea they had was that when aliens perform surgery, they can use a goo of some kind to make human skin transparent, yet does not allow blood to poor out.
I suppose if you love B-movies where the cast don't act like anything but actors trying to be cool, swearing in useless and unbelievable dialog, and 3 woman with firm chesticles that they half expose most of the time making sure you can see right down there top's for an excuse of, "at least if you can't stand our acting you can stare at these puppies" then this is the perfect movie for you..... If not, avoid it.
They should have just cut out the Alien stuff, replaced them with a maniac in a hockey mask, called the cabin Camp Crystal Lake, re written the ending, and wallah, Friday The 13th part 1000. Tho, as a F13th fan, I still don't like this movie.
Fair movie with a crummy ending
Bud Bundy | MN USA | 09/23/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Some kids are driving in an RV on some back roads. They notice some lights in the sky, then they crash into a pickup truck that's parked next to the road. One guy falls on a knife that was lying on the floor. Luckily the guy who was driving the pickup knows some first aid, and fixes him up using super glue. Yeah, he probably hasn't got long to live, LOL. Everybody else is pretty unconcerned with their mortally wounded "friend", and spend most of the movie discussing their relationship problems. Then some aliens start...appearing. They might as well be Bigfoot or maybe even mind-controlling evil trolls, it doesn't really matter. It's not like they do anything "alien" to these people other than terrorize them a bit. Kind of funny actually, they can travel all the way here from another planet yet they can't break through the door on an RV.
After a somewhat exciting scene with the RV being attacked by something from outside, we move on to the next part of the movie - I won't spoil it - but suffice it to say I was expecting another ten or fifteen minutes before the movie eventually built to its climax. Instead, it just ended. Yup, roll credits, we're done here. What happened to half the characters? Don't know, we're through, wrap it up already.
The characters were mildly interesting, the plot was fairly disappointing because it relied on people getting confused (or maybe their minds were being controlled?). Eh, doesn't really matter I guess. Overall, I've seen much worse, but that doesn't mean this thing is especially good either. Good for a boring Tuesday night when you're not really expecting anything too exciting anyway."
Look to the Skies.
Trevor Merris | Carmicheal, CA USA | 06/02/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"A fun film that scared me plenty.
Some friends are on a cross-country trip when a tire blows out and they are stranded on the road. One of the friends is badly wounded by a falling knife and is in critical condition. A passer by stops to help them and turns out to be an ex soldier with medica training(yeah Right). All is going well until they try to find the locals in the forest and are attacked by none other than giant-black eyed, Gray, skinny aliens. They run back to the RV and wait in there for morning. After several shocks and jump-in-your seats. they decide to fight back and end up getting. Eventually they are all Abducted and awake up in a strange organic enviroment and find themselves being studied and not inh the good way. The story ends there.
When i rented this from the video store i thought it was just another friday night crap filled fun film to hit of the weekend with. I was suprised by its quality and the impressive character design and banter between them. Its your classic Abduction Story."