The Next best Thing-to do is skip the film!
BUFFY/CHARMED/Star Wars Finatic! | RHODE ISLAND | 06/29/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I saw this flick on cable while laid up sick during the holidays. This movie was like a bad LIFETIME Channel film for gay men. It's about a gay guy who has a girl for a best friend (shock, there. They complain how they can't find a good man (okay, Madonna/ OK Rupert--I'm not basing the chracters on the peoeple who play them, but, heck, they are both very attractive poeple--I hate when attactive poeple complain about "not finding someone"--could it be it's becuase their shallowness gets in their way cuase they want to find love with their eyes rather than their hearts?)
So, One night, these two "friends" have too much to drink and they sleep together (Yeah, this always happens with Gay Men, too!) She gets pregnant, the two decide to keep the kid. Fast Forward six years, Madonna's character finds a man, wants custody of the kid and Rupert fights for custody, only to find that Madonna lied to Rupert-it's not even his kid-it's from some other guy Madonna was frolicking with when the accidental=gay guy/straight girl sleep together happens. The story is basicly how bitter and selfish poeple can be, no matter if this was between a traditional Mom and Pop story, and how so many children suffer from the action's of adults.
The thing with this movie is---THE BAD ACTING--this Rupert guy is nothing special-just a tall guy that's kinda buff. Madonna's fake Accent (the two's characters are supposed to be from England) is just laughable and the fact that she's a yoga instructor and Rupert is a damn gardener is hysterical in itself--for, yeah, these occupations make oh so much $$$$ for them to live in the big houses they have.
Madonna HAS TO KNOW BY NOW SHE CAN'T ACT--can't she see this thru all the yoga and meditation she does? But, since she released the HARD CANDY cd, I also think she needs to retire from the music scene and just do charity work. Stop making movies, stop working with "hip" hop producers and making garbage music...Reflect and see it would be wrong to become a cariture of yourself...."
Aurelio Rapp | 01/27/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Like I wrote in my headline its amazing,funny,campy,great acting.I am a Madonna fan yes but this was her first role i ever watched where she was really acting and not playing herself. There a few transitions in the film that could be fixed but nothing that was to bad. Its lighthearted while still being serious you laugh when the characters laugh you cry when they do its a great story. Watch this movie I did twice today when i first got it."