This series, A Newsreel History Of The Third Reich, includes unique footage plundered by Russian Troops — in 1945. Compiled as it is from German newsreels which were made under the influence of Goebbels' Ministry of Propaga... more »nda, these are by no means accurate histories, but allow unique insight into how the period leading up to and including World War II was presented to the German people.
-Volume 11 - 1942: includes dog fights over the French coast, Rommel at the Cyrenaecan front, Hitler and Mussolini in Salzburg.
-Volume 12 - 1942: includes the ferocious battle for Rostow, Hitler and Goering planning offensives on the
Eastern Front.
-Volume 13 - 1943: includes the tenth anniversary of Hitler's rise to power, German defenses face heavy bombardment at Leningrad.
-Volume 14 - 1943: includes Stuka attacks and shelling of the Leningrad docks, u-boat packs hunting Allied
-Volume 15 - 1943: includes General Oshima meeting with Hitler, submarines on patrol in the Atlantic, relief for the front lines.
-Using newsreel documentary footage, these programs show how the Nazi propaganda would distort the events of the war even when defeat was imminent.« less