Good-natured tribute
Pieni Ruusu | 07/07/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Just scroll down. Read the hate filled tantrum of the enraged Laurel and Hardy fan who brags about "hating everyone" while disgustingly using the victims of 911 in a twisted tirade against customers whose children like this movie. That is just one bizarre example of the excessive negativity that has plagued Laurel and Hardy fandom for decades.
Numerous Laurel and Hardy fans have traditionally hated many of the films starring Stan and Ollie. Consider THE BIG NOISE. Excessively negative fans hate it. NOTHING BUT TROUBLE? Hated. THE JITTER BUGS? Hated. THE AIR RAID WARDENS? Hated. THE DANCING MASTERS? Hated. UTOPIA? Hated. A HAUNTING WE WILL GO? Hated. THE BULLFIGHTERS? Hated. It's not surprising then that they hate this children's movie featuring fictional relatives of Laurel and Hardy.
Even the mere suggestion of children having fun watching this movie is hated. The previous post, with its disgusting comments about the tragedy of 911, demonstrates that hatred. It also shows how ugly some Laurel and Hardy fans can be. Sick remarks about 911 aren't even considered off limits. Such negativity demonstrates why good-natured Laurel and Hardy tributes deserve some credit.
Laurel and Hardy comics and cartoons filled me with joy as a child. They didn't fill me with hate. They were respectful, good-natured, and uplifting. This movie is another respectful and good-natured tribute, but it never had a chance of uplifting the spirits of the negatively inclined fans. Laurel and Hardy themselves ultimately couldn't even do that. The Boy's final feature films have been the objects of excessive hatred for years.
" here'e another fine mess you gotten us into " : )
christopher landry | phelan, ca United States | 05/09/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"" good heaves to mergatroy " folks get a a time when such steaming piles of nasty excuses for movies nowaday's . this small tribute movie " the new adventure's of laurel and hardy " was alright. maybe that would inspire someone in hollywood to do maybe a real biography of these wonderful and gentle great men of hollywood's past... come on think of the possablity's if that bio were tackled and handled would be fantastic.......laurel and hardy as everyone should know they were one of a kind movie star's....just watched their classic " night owl's " last night and then " helpmates " laughed my #@%% off, all the shorts were beautifully funny,. and the movies they made some were wonderful , and some but to say they movies were hated is not what all fans think......and i am of the opinion the latter movies were alright and good natured. if we only we had gentlemen like them today to make us laugh! but today's world is so much more cynical, lack of respect and generally missing a lot of brain cells to make them act normal and show some restraint and proper accord to other folks efforts. and the post by russu is right. laurel and hardy did wonderful things to make the world laugh....if anyone wants to emulate their efforts....considering the rotten stuff in movies nowaday's.....i salute them and more power to them! so as our dear stan said " im not as dumb as you look " wonderful people stan and ollie. we miss you."
A Salute to Laruel & Hardy.
Stanley E. Zwerling | Queens, NY | 06/05/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I happened on to this movie by chance when I was looking for a particular Laurel & Hardy movie, and found "For Love Of Mummy." They say immitation is the best form of flattery, and it is true. Bronson Pinchot & Gailard Sartain at times in reminded me so much of Laurel & Hardy, that the good,funny memories of watching their many films came to mind. If you want to watch a funny nostalgic movie like they used to make them-then this is for you. Gailard & Sartain are letter perfect in their portayals-it brought tears to my eyes!If it's for sale on Amazon-buy it like I did."