Reviewed on 12/2/2024...
Skip the Neverland trip!
Naomi B. (Tripleguess)
Reviewed on 3/18/2012...
Lush visuals, great acting, bad special effects, and a story that lost originality after the world-deep ice cracks and the octocrocs.
Dark, Violent and Strange -- like the original novel
This has got to be one of the weirdest, slowest moving movies I've ever seen. I've watched some great British films but this one seems even more pointless than certain Japanese animes. Perhaps it's a bit too true to the spirit of the original Peter Pan novel (which I read, many years ago, and thought altogether too amorally brutal to be good literature) and that's why I do not like it. I'm not a big Disney fan, but the Disney Peter Pan was my favorite Disney classic (one of the few I bother rewatching) and Disney's Return to Neverland was, IMHO, even better -- maybe because someone finally hit Peter like he deserved (go Jane!). Disney Peter was a carefree if irresponsible youth, thoughtless but kind when he remembered other people at all. "Real" Peter was a murdering little brute. I do not like him at all. At the very least, he is one seriously disturbed kid.
To be fair (or make a nod toward it), I cannot give a fair review because I did not see the whole movie; by the first fifteen or twenty minutes it had lost my interest, so I fast-forwarded through the rest to see if it got any better. Nope, just the lead adult male climbing in bed with the token female. Biiig surprise there.