1 full star just for Nina Dobrev's cute face & bod.
+0.5 stars because it's always fun to see Hercules (Kevin Sorbo) again.
0 stars for everything else.
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Movie Reviews
Watchable, but offers little else
trashcanman | Hanford, CA United States | 09/17/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
""Never Cry Werewolf" is the very definition of horror lite. I'm about sick and tired of PG-13 DVD's being advertised as "unrated". Don't get me wrong, this isn't an unwatchable mess of a film that will leave you angry about the 90 minutes of your life you can never get back, but if you watch werewolf movies for gore, nudity, and terror than don't hesitate to pass this by. This is another intended for the tween crowd.
The lead actress is one thing this flick has going for it. Doe-eyed brunette cutie-pie Nina Dobrev pretty much carries this entire film and she does a pretty solid job at it. Geek demi-icon Kevin Sorbo (Hercules The Legendary Journeys) is slightly amusing as a celebrity outdoorsman tapped by our heroine to help her take out her new neighbor, who for some reason can turn into a werewolf at will by wrapping a strip of some pervert's neckskin around his knuckles. Yeeeeaaaah, the werewolf mythology on this one is shaky at best. Also, he can bite people and apparently turn them into living lycanthropic plastic surgery disasters. Whatever. Throw in a pathetic love interest with awful emo hair, an annoying little brother, the creepiest dog this side of Cujo, and a pot of eyeball stew and you've got a lame-but-watchable horror romp that even my two year old son laughed at. A lot. There's some blood splatter going on, but very little actual gore unless you count a wolf exploding into translucent goo as gore. I do not.
While "Never Cry Werewolf" offers some creeps, a hot protagonist, and a pretty cool werewolf (realistic: no. Cool: yes.) there is not enough to scratch that horror itch. There is however, some cannibalism which can only help. The movie doesn't take itself too seriously, which is good. But probably half of the scenes are ripped off wholesale from other films. That is bad. Couple making out in car hears noise, boy steps out to investigate upon girl's urging. Gee, I wonder what happens next? Lameness, that's what. Telepathic werewolf: why?!?! Reincarnated lost love? That's not even a werewolf movie convention, that's either a mummy or a crummy vampire flick! Come on! They even rip off Hitchcock, though I imagine a lot of people will think it's Shia Lebouf being robbed. I can say that I've genuinely never seen a werewolf take a hostage to use as a human shield to protect himself from the assault of a teenage girl before. I wish I could still say that. So much wrong.
As bad as this movie is, it is still better than Cursed, and that one had gore. There is some smirk-worthy humor, a few genuinely creepy bits -most involving that damn dog-, and did I mention the attractiveness of the lead actress? All-around a watchable movie, but just don't go in thinking you're getting a full-on unrated frightfest. This is a bare-bones release, but I don't imagine there'd be any special features I'd actually want to watch anyway. Have a look if you're in a light-hearted mood and have seen every other werewolf movie. And if you have seen every other werewolf movie; my condolences on having sat through the unspeakably terrible Howling sequels. Those make this one look like An American Werewolf in London.
2 1/2 stars, rounded down for false advertising.
Again, do not sell a PG-13 DVD with an "unrated"label! I will cut you if I find you.
Not the Best Werewolf Movie Ever But...
Sonnenschein | United States | 06/17/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I will admit that the main reason I watched this movie is to see Peter Stebbings. That said, it's not the best werewolf movie I've ever seen but it's cool. It's more geared towards teens and it's solution is too simple for my taste. But, since it is a teen movie and there isn't a lot of time spent on the back story of the mysterious neighbor, I suppose I should be happy with what we got.
Seeing Kevin Sorbo is a reluctant hero role was nice for a change too. I thoroughly enjoyed Peter Stebbings performance but I don't think the lead female (Nina Dobrev) was written as well as she could've been.
A lot of people are calling it a "rip-off" of Fright Night. Whatever. I liked it and so I recommend seeing it, especially if you are a Stebbings or Sorbo fan, it's worth the watch."
"Rear Window" meets "Fright Night"
Genevieve Hayes | Australia | 01/14/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Imagine "Rear Window" and "Fright Night" rolled into one movie and you've got a pretty good idea of what "Never Cry Werewolf" is about. Teenaged Loren (Nina Dobrev) thinks there's something odd about her new neighbour, Jared (Peter Stebbings), so starts spying on him from her bedroom window using her brother's telescope. It turns out that Jared is a werewolf and a serial killer, although the police won't believe Loren when she tries to tell them. This leaves Loren to deal with Jared herself, which she does with the assistance of Redd Tucker (Kevin Sorbo), a washed-up television hunter.
"Never Cry Werewolf" is an entertaining film and for a made-for-TV movie, it is above average in quality. However, there is something about this film that just didn't sit right in my mind. Although all of the scenes appear in a logical sequence and form a coherent story, there is something disjoint about them, to the point of being almost episodic, and the director never seems to quite make up his mind as to whether this is a horror-comedy or a straight horror film. Add to that the fact that Kevin Sorbo doesn't appear until halfway through the film and the fact that the idea of Stebbings (who has some pretty obvious wrinkles) being romantically interested in a high school girl is kind of creepy, and you've got a pretty flawed movie.
Given that it was made-for-TV and on an obviously low-moderate budget (the werewolf looks like a stuffed grizzly bear), there is a surprisingly large amount of blood and gore. Less than you would find in a cinema-release horror movie, but more than in most telemovies. This might put off some viewers, especially those used to Sorbo's other telemovies (such as "Avenging Angel") which are extremely family friendly. Of course, this might also appeal to some viewers, in particular the teenagers whom this film is so obviously aimed at.
Overall, in spite of its flaws, I enjoyed "Never Cry Werewolf". It's a fun film to watch and Sorbo's small role is cheesy but makes the film worthwhile. It might not be as good as other werewolf movies, such as "Silver Bullet", the "American Werewolf" films or "Ginger Snaps", but I still anticipate rewatching it sometime in the future, which, as far as I'm concerned, makes it worth the price of purchase."
Cheap werewolf movie
BeWild | San Jose, CA USA | 08/14/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"It's another sifi channel special if your looking for a terrifying and scary werewolf film keep looking. If you looking for another werewolf film to fill out your collection.
Ya buy, it's not bad, and it's not good. It's average horror fare.
My only recommendation is that the werewolf head looks good."