Review Number Two!
Karl E. Weaver | California, USA | 05/04/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
"OK let's cover the bad parts first, and then get to the positive.
Pretty much everyone agrees this storyline is inane-ludicrous frequently.
The special effects (ie werewolf scenes) are weak. The dialog is not a strong suit either. Examples of lack of believability: why Rosemary (lead actress) continues to be attracted to Tony (lead male) at all, when he consistently ditches her at the drop of a hat. It's not like she's not pretty enough to get any number of other guys for a boyfriend. Werewolf attack scenes: the guys and gals just fall right down with their hands helplessly above their heads--like they really wanna be eaten alive. They don't even pretend to fight back, or seriously run. Super lame. Then there's the low-budget cinematography like the many "night" scenes which so obviously are filmed in broad daylight with a dark filter applied. On the other hand, I liked some of the colored light effects in some scenes. Is this designed to be a comedy? I don't think it was-but it isn't really scary, either. What saves the film from being a disaster? Mainly it's the music for me. There's music going almost the entire film, and I liked almost all of it. This is like a rock-concert of a werewolf film. In fact it's better as a music video than as a "horror film". Most of the music is by Jonathan Clark and by Signal. If you like rock with a good beat and a lot of nice bass, you should like the music.
The Internet Film Database audience did not treat this film kindly, giving it a 2 out of 10 score. Watch it with low expectations, and you might be favorably surprised-especially by the music.
If there's any kind of a theme going on here I suppose the "werewolf" business is like a metaphor for all the bad influences for rock stars, film stars etc.--the drugs, the promiscuous sex, the money, the groupies--and Tony's struggle with whether to give in to his lower nature or to be a good person/boyfriend/husband to his nice, normal girlfriend. Werewolves, like the Dr. Jeckyl/Mr Hyde story, have always been a metaphor for the dual aspect of humanity--good and evil admixed."
Neowolf Review
A. E. Terry | 04/20/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I have to laugh and I do mean laugh...
I thought I was buying a straight to video B-Movie Horror and instead, I get a comedy.
Werewolf Rockband, bad dialogue and slightly hairer humans when in their "man-wolf" form. The ridges on their foreheads made me think of the Buffy Universe Vampires whenever they're going to "vamp out" and feed. Only these werewolves get dreadlocks too.
Minor point to them, I liked that they do keep a human intelligence and reasoning when changed and that they talk. It allowed for some break away from Monster changes and goes on killing spree rampage that seem to typify a lot of werewolf movies.
Story wise it's decent for this fair of B-movies. predictable and easy to follow if you walk out of the room for five minutes, you're not lost on what did I miss? ... Rosemary seemed to clue on too quickly to her boyfriend Tony having become a werewolf and then the Gardener whom she steals wolfsbane from being a "mentor figure" and the guru of werewolf lore... at least they cut straight to the chance on we have werewolves, get silver bullets.