When the first Evangelion feature, Death and Rebirth, proved no more satisfying than the last episodes of the original series, Hideaki Anno brought his watershed epic to its conclusion in this final installment. End of Ev... more »angelion begins where the series ended: with the Angels defeated, the sinister cabal SEELE attacks NERV headquarters to seize the Evas and realize their plan for humanity. Misato and Ritsuko fight from inside while Asuka decimates a new Eva series. But when Rei merges with Lilith, and Shinji seems to fuse with Unit 01, the final traces of a coherent storyline dissolve into a protracted collage of fantastic images, played against discussions involving Rei, Shinji, Asuka, and Kaoru. Anno's dazzling apocalyptic vision forms a weird but oddly logical finale that ultimately means whatever the viewer chooses to read into it. This unrated feature, suitable for ages 17 and older, contains considerable violence, profanity, grotesque imagery, and sexual situations. --Charles Solomon« less
"This film is the second ending produced for this series. The first ending (Episodes 25 and 26) left fans so dissatisfied that director Hideaki Anno felt compelled to create an alternate ending and issue it as a full length film. One should keep in mind when watching it that in the voice commentary provided in this edition this film is referred to as "Hideaki's revenge." I really do not think that is true, but there is no question but that the Director/Creator of this film has made a film that challenges the view on all fronts, making it an unusually difficult film.The film opens on the impending destruction of NERV headquarters. With the destruction of the 'Angels,' the members of SEELE move to implement their plan for the forced evolution of humankind. Stage 1 is the capture or destruction of the EVA and their 'riders.' For the rest of the NERV staff only a grim and violent death is offered. Shinji and Asuka manage to activate their EVAs and fight back. Meanwhile, Rei descends into the heart of NERV with Dr. Ikari to confront Lilith.While this apocalypse occupies the first part of the film, filling the screen with both spellbinding action and some unnerving interior insights, one could argue that it is only a prelude to the real core of the film. Almost haphazardly, symbols from the Kabbala and the Crucifixion are woven into the action as SEELE prepares the ritual that will recreate humanity. Magically, Rei and Shinji become the main characters in a metaphysical play that will decide the future of man. It is no surprise that these two become bound to the moments of decision and rebirth. Both the characters are not completely whole as personalities. To each of them the conflict over individuality is both interior and exterior. Without these flaws, the decision would not have been in doubt.As the story progresses fluid, the hurried action of the attack on NERV is replaced by a more elegiac pace. Longer still shifts and slower pacing give the viewer a rest, but at the price of an ever more complex and difficult plot. Without the film length commentary available on the DVD, much of the subtexts to the visual displays would remain impenetrable. This is the first time that I have felt that the commentary was required viewing. This film is worth seeing simply for its stretching of the limitations of anime. This is a marvelous but elusive work of art. Be warned - 'The End of Evangelion' lacks any manner of explanation of the events leading up to the film. Thus, familiarity with either 'Death and Rebirth' or the series itself is almost a requirement for making good sense of what is happening."
Not an alternate ending, but rather a physical one
Anders Jorgensen | Okemos, Michigan, USA | 06/14/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Having read numerous reviews of this film, I feel it to be necessary to clarify several issues. Most prominent among them is the common misconception that this film is an 'alternate ending'. Though it is, of course, different from the version seen in the television series, it results in the same essential end. This is actually a physical depiction of the end of Neon Genesis Evangelion, as the first ending was, in fact, the more psychological, 'post-apocalypse' (if you will accept this description) ending. The end to the television series occurs not during the 'third-impact' (yes, this is a spoiler), but a year afterward, when instrumentality (or complementation, which is what the official Manga subtitled version addresses it as) has succeeded, and mankind has been merged. This film doesn't disregard the scenes in the final two episodes, as, in fact, every 'anomalous' scene from episode twenty five (The Ending World) from the series is seen in its true form in this film. Of course, in the end of this film itself, it's far different from the end seen on television, but this is intentional, as Anno intended to destroy any preconceived notions established about the answers to the anomalies presented in the original series, and, also, to frighten and disturb the viewer out of complacency. Having seen this film in both the 'official' (Manga subtitled) version, and the Fansub version, I can honestly state that this is, perhaps, one of the most frightening and disturbing anime films ever, but, also, it is my favorite (of course, I'm biased, as Neon Genesis Evangelion is my favorite anime, and, in my opinion, the greatest ever created).I can't wait to see this film in its English glory, as I prefer the English vocal actors to the Japanese ones (though the Japanese VAs certainly do justice to the characters), and am incredibly pleased to see that all of the original VAs are reprising their roles.However, as a warning, this should not be seen until one sees the entirety of the TV series (not Death and Rebirth, as Death is only a brief digest with new footage, and not a true synopsis{plus, why would anyone only want to see a synopsis?!}), as the series itself is so incredibly wonderful, and it is also essential to understanding The End of Evangelion. In summation, if you are only able to make two purchases, purchase the TV Perfect Collection, as well as The End of Evangelion. I can assure you that you won't be at all disappointed.P.S.
As mentioned previously, I'm a complete Eva fanatic, so don't believe that this is even remotely objective. Also, don't believe that seeing this will destroy any joy in the TV series, as I've seen The End of Evangelion twice and I am enjoying the series just as much as the first time on my (I believe) fifteenth viewing (yes, I am also a college student and a writer, so I do have the capacity to make an informed opinion)."
Ending of the original TV series vs. The End of Evangelion
D. K. Malone | earth | 06/04/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I just wanted to post this quote because I think it's something people should know regarding the relationship between the TV series and this movie:
"According to 'The Red Cross Book' (which was sold at End Of Evangelion screenings during its original theatrical release in Japan in 1997 and was officially endorsed by Gainax,) the original scripts for the final two episodes of the TV series were scrapped at the last minute. The reasons are not divulged, but there are rumors that sponsor funding was cut due to controversy about the content, and that Hideaki and Gainax were pressured to end the series differently, in a very short time frame. The result is that the final two episodes of the TV series bear little resemblance to the rest of the show. The book then goes on to say that the original scrapped scripts were essentially fished out of the garbage and that they became the basis for the feature film End of Evangelion. In other words, it's arguable that the final two episodes of the TV series are invalid, and that End of Evangelion is in fact the true ending to the series as originally envisioned by its creators."
BENY P JOSE | Pennsylvania, USA | 12/23/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"As I read many reviews of this DVD, I can't help but feel that people seemed to have missed certain vital elements. NOTE: THE FOLLOWING CONTAINS SPOILERS.As most fans should know, this movie is an ending to NEON GENESIS EVANGELION. It answers most of the questions left behind.Now, here is the thing. It is completely consistent with the last two episode of the series until the very end. Until then, it is a very nice external visualization of what's going on, while the last two episodes took place inside Shinji's mind.At the end of the movie, however, Shinji rejects the Instrumentality Project. While in the series, he accepts it, here, he just flat out says no. He was egged on by Rei.. and ended up dismembering her (thankfully so) to achieve his goal. At the end, he and Asuka (not some new chick.. it's just Asuka) are the only two living human beings on Earth. The rest are LCL, and can come back to life if they will themselves to do it (like Shinji did earlier).I don't remember if DEATH AND REBIRTH had all of the deleted scenes, but there were deleted scenes in the Japan that were integral. In Japan, when the DVDs came out, they were Director's Cut and had some extra scenes. Here, they were not. The only really important ones that I can think of are when:(1)Rei defeats the angel that takes over her body. In the extras, the angel started to take over Shinji's body when he came out (It lunged at him, he dodged, blocked, and grabbed it, but that was enough for the angel) and started taking on the appearance of Rei, so Rei pulled the whole thing toward herself.. thus, she saved Shinji's life.(2)The episode with Kaworu (the last angel) has several moments.. mainly when he talks to SEELE panels (sound only things) and Misato spies on him. He waves to her.. which really freaks her out. It's revealed that he was made from Adam, like Rei was made (partially) from Lilith.and (3)someone asks Gendo how the "Adam Project" was coming along, and he said "Right on time" or something and pulled off his glove to reveal Adam (The first angel.. the embryo thing) as embedded in his hand. This is why he sticks his hand into Rei in the movie.. and why she lopped it off.Also, as for the angels, Adam is the first. He is the embryo. Lilith is the second, she is the big white thing. While the numbering does not really matter, the distinction does. Lilith is identified by Kaworu. The union of another angel with Adam caused the Third Impact. The embryonization (or whatever) of Adam caused the Second Impact.This angel thing would have made more sense if they made Adam and Lilith the parents of the other angels. Referring to people as Lilum (offspring of Lilith) is just plain not nice to the mythology behind Lilith. Adam fathers humans with Eve. Adam fathers monsters with Lilith (at least one, anyway). There were just some things in the series that were misplaced.. fans should at least admit that (like when they showed Shinji's Eva suit in the cockpit when he turned into LCL.. despite the fact that he was wearing civilian clothes).Sorry about the rant.. but things just had to be set straight. As "artsy" and abstract as this whole Evangelion thing was, there are some things are just plain misunderstood."
The Brilliant Conclusion to a Most Profound Series
Suzanne | Oklahoma City, OK United States | 03/02/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"For those turning to this film to answer all the questions that the last two episodes of the Evangelion (NGE) series didn't answer, I suggest you look elsewhere. If anything, this film will provide you with precious few answers but a multitude of new questions. For those wanting a highly provocative, thought-provoking, intelligent and most poignant conclusion to the NGE series, then have no fear. I will try to explain some of the more perplexing elements in this film, without giving too much away, as well giving my thoughts and opinions at the same time.
The film is structured to be the final two episodes of the series. So the first half, Ep. 25 "Air/Love is Destructive" is concurrent with the series episode 25 "The World Ending/Do You Love Me?". The second half, Ep. 26. "My Purest Heart for You/One More Final: I Need You" is concurrent with the series episode 26 "The Beast that Shouted Love at the Heart of the World/Take Care of Yourself."
Much like the NGE series, the End of Evangelion (EoE) weaves a complex story where images and dialogue are closely related to the philosophy and symbolism. These themes are played out through the psychology of each characters' own mind. It is essentially a microcosm of the entire series. The opening scenes before the "Air" title card of Ep. 25 of Shinji overlooking the ruins of the city, and then entering Asuka's hospital room and, (I'll leave it there) set the mood and atmosphere. Showing effectively and very disturbingly that this is NOT going to be an easy film. As the first half roars out of the gates at breakneck speed, we see the hostile takeover of Nerv by the Seele organization and each Nerv member's desperate attempt to hold it at bay.
We also see the mental states that the two main Eva pilots - Shinji and Asuka - have been reduced too. Shinji is severely depressed after killing the last angel, Kaworu, whom he had formed a close bond with. Asuka is in the same mental boat as Shinji as she sits at the bottom of the lake in her Eva, which she feels she can't pilot anymore. What's interesting is the paths that have driven these two characters to this point. The ideas of finding one's self-worth (examined perfectly in the final two series episodes), and what happens to a person when that is taken away.
At the same time Seele is trying to initiate their plans for Third Impact using Unit-01 and the downright creepy looking Mass-Produced Eva Series, Gendo has his own plans involving Rei and Lilith. As Asuka, (with a little help and inspiration from her Mama) rages an extremely violent battle with the Evil Evas, Gendo takes Rei down to Lilith. He does this to unite the souls and bodies of Adam and Lilith only to find his scorned lover, Ritsuko there. It's interesting that two of the most shocking and violent scenes (the Asuka/Eva battle and the Gendo/Ritsuko confrontation) are played out to Bach's beautiful "Air". The infusion of the music in this film is truly brilliant and a major reason why many scenes are so effective.
However, this is the point in the film where most people will start to become completely lost. Without a really good understanding of the NGE story (and perhaps even with one), it's hard not to. It's very difficult to make the extremely complex simple, however I'll try without many spoilers.
Suffice it to say that Seele were trying to initiate Third Impact and reduce humankind back to its original form - the Primordial Soup of Life where all souls and beings are one. Gendo had different plans and just wanted to see his 'dead' wife, Yui again. Neither Seele's or Gendo's plans go exactly as they were meant to. Unit-01, along with Shinji, ends up becoming the Tree of Life, and the ark in which all souls are ushered through and into Lilith's Egg. Understanding the idea that in NGE, humans - Lilim, as we're called - were born from Lilith, and Rei is essentially Lilith helps make this clearer. What's happening near this point is 3rd Impact is occurring because of the Unit-01 and the Mass Produced Eva encounter. This returns the Geo-Front (the sphere like cavern where Nerv HQ sits) to its original form, the Egg of Lilith (we see this during the "Eye"-like explosion). After the Giant Rei/Lilith forms, Shinji is essentially given reign over the future of the human race by Rei/Lilith herself.
At this point, the tempo of the film slows to a crawl and the most surreal images and scenes begin creeping in. Even the most seemingly simple scenes such as a young Shinji playing in a sandbox with a swing, mountains, and a setting sun in the background is just rife with symbolism (hint: try to relate everything in this scene with something in the show, be it scenes, characters, or themes). Here, the psychological interplay between the main characters is crucial, as Shinji's wishes are played out in the real world. When he feels that everyone has deserted him and essentially says 'everyone can just die' is when the Instrumentality and joining of all souls through Lilith really begins.
What's important to note is Shinji's thoughts after his 'choice' has been made. The place he escapes to - the world of Instrumentality where all souls are one - and his questioning of this choice and all his choices is what we see here. More than just his questioning of the choice, we also hear him questioning the meaning of reality and dreams. This is not just random philosophical ramblings. It's a study of a character's, as well as the creator's, thoughts and feelings. Shinji holds all of humanity's future in his hands or, more accurately, his own mind. When you consider how psychologically scarred Shinji is, the idea that he can completely shape the future of Earth and all of humankind is what makes this so interesting.
Once he is allowed to be in the world he escapes to, he's faced with another choice of whether to stay or come back. As he discusses these things with Rei and Kaworu (Lilith and Adam), we hear his final choice and reasons why. The ending of EoE, titled "One More Final: I Need You" is rightfully confusing to almost everyone who sees it. However, it's also the perfect note to end the series with. Not only does it leave us as uncertain as the characters are about the future, but it also expresses the frustration and realization of Shinji's choice and the culmination of all the struggles that has lead them there.
This film is simply a divine marvel. Much like the series it has to be watched multiple times for one to uncover all of its hidden layers and meanings. But it doesn't lose its ability to invoke emotions and thoughts even after several viewings. There are scenes of immense power and drama in the film - many that match the best of most films I've seen. But I think it's the quiet moments that make this film so moving and memorable. The Sandbox scene is one I've mentioned. Another is the live action shots with the monologue and Bach's magnificent "Jesus Bleibet Meine Freude" (Jesus, Joy of Man's Desiring) playing along on piano with it. Even more subtle moments, such as Shinji's SDAT (walkman type) player out of batteries (more significant than many would think), and Gendo's broken glasses in Rei's place. With the vivid beginning of Instrumentality played out to the appropriate sad-song-with-a-pop-beat "Komm Susser Tod" (Come Sweet Death), it's these scenes that never fail to give me chills.
There's a great quote that goes something like "A truly wise man always has more questions than answers." This is a series and film that asks more questions than it provides answers. What it tries to do is make you think about those questions, rather than provide an easily digestible story. Some may call the story incoherent and disjointed, but what many don't realize is that the deep psychological and philosophical leanings behind the show are inextricably linked with the storyline itself. So to distinguish one from the other is impossible without realizing how the two intertwine and effect the other. If you merely try to breakdown the sci-fi storyline, then you will be confused by much of it. This is because the story is so big and so encompassing that many finer details can't be uncovered without diving deep into the inner workings of the series.
In the end, I can only speak for myself when I say NGE did a superlative job of doing everything a great work of art should do. It made me laugh, it made me cry, it gave me chills on more than one occasion.... but most of all it made me THINK. Anyone who wants to enjoy this show as just a meaningless work of science fiction can do so, but will be baffled as they're crushed by the multiple layers of extra contextual meanings. So, if you want to understand NGE, you have to not only pay close attention to the small details within the show (small scenes from many episodes back play a role in the film), you have to really open your mind up to the ideas being presented, and how they effect the story.
However, taken as a film, and the conclusion to the NGE series, End of Evangelion is a staggering achievement and powerful last testament to what is, in my opinion, the greatest visual series of all time.
Those considering whether to buy just the EoE or the EoE/Death & Rebirth 2-pack, I suggest you go with the EoE unless you don't own the director's cuts of the last several episodes (available in the Platinum Collection). 'Death' is mostly a muddled re-crap of the entire series, while 'Rebirth' is merely the first 30 minutes of EoE. Death also doesn't contain remastered visuals or audio like the Platinum Collection does, so you'll be getting a low quality re-cap at that. Death really doesn't even work as an introduction to NGE, because most everyone not aquainted with previous episodes would be confused by the structure of the recap. The only thing worthwile in 'Death' is something called "The Magi Archives" which provides great information about key people, places, events, and thing in the series. This is very helpful to those who feel completely lost by all the jargon in the series and will help clear some things up, even if it won't answer any of the bigger questions. So just stick with EoE unless you feel the need for completeness to get Death & Rebirth as well."