Naturopathic medicine and diagnosis have been with us for thousand of years. From the earliest recorded time medicine men from the world over used their senses of touch sight sound smell taste and intuition to assess a pat... more »ients condition before selecting a remedy or theraphy. Studio: Genius Products Inc Release Date: 01/02/2007 Run time: 60 minutes Rating: Nr Director: David Broscombe« less
"We should have researched this before gettibg it. A few minutes into watching John Twobirds with his followers (all white women? Hmmmmm), my husband did a web search and found him on several sites that document "Native American" frauds and shame-ons. I won't repeat what they said; you can Google as well as we can, but don't bother with this one. Some of the information is correct, just as a stopped clock is right twice a day - just enough to fool some of the people some of the time."
"This is a great DVD which every single being should watch.Within 60 minutes not only do we learn about the medicinal values of plants, but also about how to purify our human temples and live in harmony with the Cosmos.We become inclined to respect and thank every living and non-living creation of Nature.In fact, all our spirits are interconnected, so how can we think about harming
anyone or anything from now on.We also have a glimpse of some of the Native American traditions.Besides that, the music is gorgeous and the pictures are marvellous.
Be blessed!"
Fascinating information on Herbal Remedies
Rebecca Johnson | Washington State | 10/03/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If you have any interest in Native American herbal remedies this takes you through the list of healing plants and explains what each plant is used for in ceremonies. There is also information on the basics of creation from a Native American perspective. I found it to be very beautiful and educational.
If you already are aware of some of the plants they are discussing then you can verify this information with your own knowledge or look up items like Juniper berries in a Natural Health book.
Interesting facts presented in this DVD:
Ants will eat the centers out of Juniper berries so you can use them as beads.
Cedar is burned to purify the emotions.
Burdock cleanses the skin and cleanses the lymphatic system.
I am taking a product called Flor Essence (originally a remedy for Breast Cancer by Ojibway Indians in Canada) and it has burdock root, which is mentioned in this DVD. I didn't realize that it cleansed the lymphatic system but this makes complete sense in relation to cancer treatment.
This DVD takes you to the actual plants and shows you what they look like and explains how they are used. You could prevent colds, calm nerves, make a poultice from witch hazel leaves (who knew because mainly we see this as an astringent), heal gastric problems with fresh leaves, lower fever and cleanse the blood.
There is also information about how Naturopaths diagnose illness.
If you have been purchasing any herbal remedies you will recognize Elderberry, hawthorn, Hops, Nettles. If you love to cook, you will recognize Sage and Thyme.
I thought this was a beautiful explanation of natural remedies and it is much easier to imagine how Native American's collect herbs and use them in healing ceremonies when you see how they build the fires and understand why they carry hot rocks into a domed building. It is like learning about healing and a Native American spa treatment at a Sauna.
I felt such a connection with nature and natural remedies while viewing this DVD. Now I might be able to identify some herbs out in the wild. This journey into Native American medicine helps to explore the connection between spirituality and health by mainly focuses on herbal remedies.
~The Rebecca Review
Shaman You for this DVD
Mr. Nik Mather | Brittany, France | 02/12/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I have recently viewed this DVD, I bought it as I have both Native Blood, and also a practicing Medicine Person.
Mr TwoBirds I do not know you, and have not met you in any world as far as I know. I have read on the internet other peoples reviews about your work and commercial ventures. I prefer to make my own mind up about what you have said here in your DVD.
Some parts I found instructive, others not. I watched the DVD from a point of knowledge on the subject, and the wisdom handed down to me from my Great Great Grandmother, my ancestors and all my relations.
I would suggest that if others watch this basic dvd they also make their own mind up about it.
There is no such thing as a "Native American Medicine" per se, each People have their own ways, each tribe and clan, and therfore we each have our own personal Medicine to follow.
If this Dvd is a door for you to learn more about the Good Red Road, then that is good. If you take it that this is all there is to know of our ways, then it will not be a good trade for your money.
HO Nik WalkingBear"
Cheap stereotypes
Kerin Gould | CA | 11/05/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Not only is Twobirds on several lists of frauds and expropriators of Native knowledge, the presentation is trite and stereotypical. This might be a good classroom exercise: Spot the Stereotype. I had to turn it off, as it was making me queasy. One big clue that something ain't right is the way the video talks about Native American medicine in sweeping generalities, in spite of recognizing that over 500 nations/cultures exist in what is currently the U.S. Another is that there is not one person who states their tribal affiliation in this whole shebang. And the crowd of wailing female wannabees is yet another. This whole thing insults the depth of knowledge, complex understandings, and the intimate localized details that real medicine people work with. Why is it people can't just learn some good concepts from Native American worldviews and philosophies, something to help them be better humans, instead of pretending to be spiritual leaders who then impart stolen and phony knowledge for a price? If the makers of this EVER met a medicine person, they somehow managed not to learn anything significant."