John Melendez (The Tonight Show with Jay Leno announcer) wrote, stars and produced this hilarious tale of one man's quest to find the girl of his dreams. The find a girlfriend who is willing to have another ... more »girl join them in the bedroom.« less
Interesting start but quickly became a failed Lampoon movie.
Mindy H. from GREENSBURG, IN Reviewed on 4/10/2010...
Not what I thought it would be. I'm not sure what I was expecting but the movie definitely didn't deliver in the funny department, it fell flat as a hilarious comedy. With the brand of National Lampoon I thought I'd be watching something with lots of laughs (like the Vacation movies) or a spoof on an aspect of life (like Animal House). What I got was a movie about a middle aged man looking for a threesome. The movie begins with him proclaiming himself to be a horndog, a pretty good lead into a funny movie. Problem: the actor was too old, not handsome enough to be getting as much "tail" as was alluded to in the movie, even if he was an actor (his only claim to fame was a Sprint commerical). I felt the drug usage in the movie fell very flat. The girlfriend turning to the new woman after leaving him was definitely cliche! The story line wasn't to bad, casting was a little off, younger-closer to 30 than 40-leading man or a better looking actor would have made the primise of the movie more believible. Another problem I had was all the sex with them still in underwear-not quite the horndog move, just as believible if they'd remained fully dressed. The actual storyline wasn't so bad-would have been better if it wasn't linked with such a funny brand name.
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Movie Reviews
Has to be the worst movie ever made
Kilgore | Virginia,United States | 04/18/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I loved when Stuttering John was on the Stern Show, and I looked forward to this film. However, this could be, no, it has to be, the worst movie I have ever saw. Nothing, and I mean nothing, was funny about it.
If you think you have to watch this movie then d/l it off the Internet, because this isn't worth the shipping and handling charges.
National Lampoon used to put out some good movies, I don't know what happened to them, but there is a reason why this went straight to DVD.
Plus, can someone tell me what Stuttering John does on the Leno show. I betcha Leno could shot himself for hiring this talentless hack. It goes to show what talent Stern has if he could take this hack and make him amusing."
Worst Movie Ever Made
James Dylan | Bagram, Afghanistan | 05/24/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Does John Melendez really think people were interested him as an actor? "Many" is a disquieting testament to Melendez's massive ego, for he not only acts, but scripts, produces, executive produces, and writes/performs about half of the soundtrack. Impressive feats, until you find out just how dreadful "Many" is.
"One, Two, Many" is atrociously unfunny and Melendez reveals himself to be a man of zero charisma and artistic capability.
The director here is actor Michael DeLorenzo ("New York Undercover"), and I use the term "director" ironically, since there's nothing in this film actually being led. Essentially a vessel for Melendez to remind the world how hilarious he thinks he is, DeLorenzo's sole job appears to be making sure the camera is in focus. Even that is a challenge during the film. Why Melendez didn't direct the picture himself is mystery, since the movie is a love letter to his talents (or lack thereof). Perhaps blocking a scene while also having to dream up new ways to mug shamelessly for the camera would've been too much for Melendez to juggle.
The pain starts with opening titles no more impressive than the introduction to grandma's vacation video and extends to: Thomas calling his genitalia a "vagining rod," an unintentionally hilarious sequence where Thomas defends the local stutterer from bullies, an embarrassing cameo from Mark Cuban, the use of what looks like "Tonight Show" offices to sub for apartment and hotel hallways, and an extended straining-on-toilet diarrhea gag that accurately sums up both John Melendez's talents and the film's vast ambitions.
In fact, "Many" is packed with unimaginative, juvenile humor. "Many" is pointlessly crude; Melendez has no actual perceivable wit, so he uses fecal jokes and sexual come-ons to cover the script's dead spots. It's a curious choice because the screenplay eventually attempts to provoke sympathy, leaving the weird vulgarity up there with other unexplained touches like: the brief use of animation to embellish Thomas's fantasy world, why Melendez thought anyone would want to watch a film where he's cast as an object of sexual desire, and why his character wears a strange, unexplained frizzy wig.
What really irritated me about "Many" wasn't the rampant stupidity and laziness of the endeavor; with Melendez's participation, that was to be expected. Rather, it's how the film wants the audience to care about these characters in the final reel. It's screenwriting 101 at its most obvious. After 70 minutes of sex jokes, lousy (if present at all) production values, and a moment where Thomas wipes his rear with money after a potent bathroom engagement, I think it's insulting to ask the viewer to give a damn about the psychological damage inflicted on these idiot characters. But then again, this is a film that believes seeing John Melendez naked is a concentrated strike of hilarity, so clearly "One, Two, Many" was doomed from the start.
Also, check out this movie's page at to see more reviews.
Not sexy or funny
Pierce Laika | 04/24/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I'm a huge fan of John, I loved him on Get Me Out of Here, on the Tonight Show. Watching this movie just made my life 90 minutes shorter though. There was nothing funny about this movie though, and there wasn't anything really sexy about it either. Don't waste your time on this one."
This movie is one too many!
D. Roberts | Battle Creek, Michigan United States | 06/06/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"While John Melendez is not a particularly good actor (he seems to have the screen presence of a squirrel), this is still a movie with a few funny parts here & there. Bellamy Young has far better acting skills than Melendez, and she also seems to be too much of a sophisticate for this movie. That, of course, makes her perfect as the role of the g/f who is open to F/F/M threesomes. I've always been a fan of Hudson Leick's ever since her recurring portrayal of Callisto on Xena Warrior Princess - Complete Series (Seasons 1-6).
So, with all that said, why am I hammering this movie so hard with just 1 star? Well, the answer is pretty basic: it seems that National Lampoon simply doesn't understand its client base. With an NL movie with threesomes as the subject matter, one would expect (if not demand!) a great deal of gratuitous nudity. I mean, if you can't make a movie like this w/out excuses for having a slew of topless babes, then what is the point?
Instead, this movie strikes out altogether in this department. In the climactic scene in which he gets this threesome wish, the girls only strip down to their underwear. How lame is THAT? Basically, this film is something like a Corvette with a Yugo engine. Sure, it looks good on the cover, but....
The sad thing is, this could have been a terrific movie. The concept was sound and the subject matter could easily be used for myriad humorous situations. This is one of those NL movies that had potential, but ended up being half-baked. Oh, where are the makers of National Lampoon's Van Wilder - Unrated (Two-Disc Special Edition) when you need them! sigh
Worst National Lampoon movie ever!!!!!
Mike Jaeger | Oakland, CA | 03/19/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This was the worst National lampoons movie ever. If Stuttering John thinks this is gonna create an up and coming film career, he's got another thing coming. The acting is horrible and you can predict how each scene is going to turn out. They should show this movie at film school as "How not to make a movie". Shame on you John."