They Must Survive
Lorrie Morris | 09/22/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This video is heart wrenching. All the effort that goes into saving these magnificant cats, and it's likely too late. Human greed is the worst enemy any species can face, and the Siberian Tiger is in the crosshairs now. A world without these Tigers will be a poorer place indeed. Blake's words, once so potent, will only echo hollow in the ears of generations to come who can only see Tigers on TV, or in captivity. What that says about humankind is undeniable, we are truly inept (or uncaring) when managing the resources of this planet, myself included. The biggest and most powerful of all cats, these Siberian beauties are so majestic. What gorgeous footage of these mammoth cats in action. Take a good, close look at your kitty and you will see the same fire smouldering in those attentive eyes. Lets save these magnificant animals!!"
Extremely well-made and interesting documentary
Y. Deshmukh | New York, NY USA | 07/17/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Superb footage of these very elusive, nearly extinct cats in the Siberian wilds. Typical National Geographic production, which is to say: well made movie, nice and clear narration, clear photography. For those of you who are into watching live chases of prey by predators, there isn't much here. But you won't be bored by the documentary at all. There are many riveting moments when you are holding your breath to see what's going to happen next. This is certainly a DVD to buy and keep.
At the end, I was in awe of the pioneering work being done by the Russian and American scientists portrayed in this movie. Also in despair about how man is destroying the last of the few remaining major jungles in the world, all in the name of lumber so that we can have nicer and nicer furniture, and more meat (by raising cattle on land that was previously forested) - but no fresh air or water."
National Geographic's: Tigers of the Snow
Lorrie Morris | United States | 01/14/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is an extremely emotional video that brings to life the heart breaking battle to save the Siberian tiger. The opening scene of the illegal poaching of a tiger is one I'll never forget. This video prompted me to become involved myself, in the fight to save the tiger. If you love animals, especially tigers, you must see "Tigers of the Snow"."
Tiger of the Snow
Chi-Hai Sung | Honolulu, Hawaii | 05/17/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"One of the best video on tiger especially on the Siberian Tiger, the largest big cat of them all. Too bad they are extremely endangered. This is definitely the best tiger video. The DVD also include Tiger's Eyes, a half an hour show on Bengal Tigers."