A Waste
Warren Goldstein | Minneapolis, Minnesota United States | 06/22/2004
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD is not nesecary for anyone to watch. 90% of the DVD revolves around 9/11, and only the remaining 10% is how the Pentagon, and the Armed Services work. Very little (10 minutes) is spent focusing on new technology that will be availible in the future.Of the 90% talking about 9/11, 75% is propoganda for the "war on terror." If we want propoganda, we can turn on the television and watch it for free, not pay for a DVD or a DVD rental. The 15% reolving around 9/11 that is not propoganda, it talks about how the attacks effected the Pentagon, and how it all worked before, and after.This is a waste of money, the only good part is the 10% talking about how the Pentagon & the Armed Services for in conjuction with each other. There is an interesting piece on the coast guard, however, that merely falls on the borderline between interesting information, and propoganda."
Made in April 2002, decent, though too much focus on Sep. 11
doppelganger | Chicago | 10/21/2002
(2 out of 5 stars)
"There were too many cheerleading sessions guised as interviews with Rumsfeld and the other spectacle-eyed swagger sticks, but the overall video is decent, showing many aspects of the rebuilding efforts and documentation of the attack. Strategically, they did go into the Pentagon as a command structure and showed how it is basically a brain for the largest organization known to man (which is pretty cool). Some stuff about the original commision of the building, though not too much. The real disappointment was too much focus on the "mindset" of everyone, instead of taking you on an actual tour of the place. National Geographic tells you about millions of square feet, but seen is almost nothing. They do go inside boardrooms not normally allowing cameras (ooohh, ahhhh) and some other crevaces like the parking lot security office (after a suspicious manilla envelope is sighted on the grounds). What would have been INCREDIBLE, is if they had shown Pentagon Library, or any part of the virtual CITY that's underneath street level (there are reportedly more floors underneath than above). And I would like to have AT LEAST seen the inner courtyard. Or maybe a tour of the "A-ring", inner-sanctum of the top dogs. Something other than a memorial for September and the whining of top generals that they need more more more. A bit of a dissappointment."