National Geographic takes you on an exclusive tour inside Air Force One, part luxury hotel, part super-secret military command post. From its beginnings with President Roosevelt making a secret wartime flight in 1943 - to ... more »the historic flight that returned President Kennedy's body to Washington after his assassination - to the closing months of the Clinton administration, Air Force One takes you through the history of the world's most powerful plane. Features exclusive interviews with Presidents George W. Bush, William Jefferson Clinton, George H. W. Bush, and Jimmy Carter.« less
David Kraut | Palm Harbor, Florida USA | 10/27/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This video is up to date and shows you Air Force One like never before. I am a TV news photographer and have covered Air Force One many times. This was a great way to see what goes on inside and behind the scenes. Great job National Geographic!!"
Flying White House.
masonx | 12/28/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"During President Clintons state visit to NZ last year nothing seemed to define the imperial US presidency more than his arrival in his personal jet-a modified boeing 747 no less.
It was not so much the plane itself, grand as it was but also the preceding paraphenalia of accompanying aircraft bearing personal security and bulletproof limousines. The entire apparatus of presidential security was on the move. For every visible SS agent their were 4 in the background. Waiting and watching....for anything.
Even The Queen is now relegated by her own government to the first class cabins of british airways, alas. Not to mention the mothballing of her private yacht. It says a lot for a nations head of state in what conveyance they choose to travel the globe. I was impressed with the dedication and professionalism of the crew designated to work in AF1-although a certain servility is required their downright obsequiousness seemed to be a job requirement. From the captain even to the lowliest steward, to be seen and not heard. Do not speak unless spoken to. To some a reminder of the Nixon years.
The obligatory escorted tour through a plane only a few are priveleged to see up close-the plush carpets the spacious interiors and conference rooms and secretarial offices echoed a businesslike atmosphere, and everywhere the presidential seal as if anyone would forget who the main passenger was. If it lacked the luxurious interiors and gold fittings of the Sultan of Brunei's own 747 no-one noticed. Besides such extravagance would seem garish and gaudy. The might of the US industrial military complex was enough to offset any hint of that.
The brief history of previous presidential aircraft did seem to concentrate of the Kennedy years more so than those preceding and following, otherwise it was informative-showing us old newsreels of Eisenhower and Truman and even FDR's one overseas trip during the war-to Casablanca. The triumphant times-Nixons 1974 trip to China and the sad times.The familiar picture of LBJ taking the oath in the cabin of AF1-Jacqui and Lady bird beside him that sad day in Dallas so many years ago. Finally we must spare a thought for Bill Clinton, now a private citizen who out of all the perks of office must have enjoyed this one the most, as any political leader would have. During his eventful 8 years in office the president seemed to be constantly filmed arriving somewhere in presidential state-stepping of alone as protocol dictated- with the familiar blue fusilage behind him like some imperial backdrop. I now sympathise with his current circumstances-Poor Bill travelling 1st class on a commercial airliner just isnt the same."
Wonderful Documentary with exciting details!!
salwete20 | Austin, TX | 07/13/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"'National Geographic - Air Force One' is a wonderful documentary that lets you see all the inside information of Air Force One. The film shows you how the Presidential Plane has changed over the years from FDR to George W. Bush! The viewer is told about how the plane is maintained and what the crew does to make it fit for the President! You get chills just seeing the greatness of the most technologically advanced plane in the world! Also included in this documentary are interviews with former President's talking about their experiences onboard Air Force One. This is a must see for everyone that is informational as well as exciting!"
This is must see for everyone
Himanshu Shangari | Jalandhar, Punjab, India | 03/26/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a great movie about the U.S president's official plane Air Force One or rightly called White House on wings. Covers the history of Air Force One as to how the need for an air travel was considered a must after the second world war as the head of states of the world usually avoided Air travel before world war 2. Shows the planes in complete details alongwith the interviews of some of the former Presidents of U.S and some of the Crew members of this amazing plane. Also covers some of the sad moments of history of mankind like the transport of Dead Body of the former president of U.S John Cannedy who was shot dead in 1963 and was carried back by Air force one and the next president took oath in the plane itself. Quite a sentimental and at the same time dutiful moment captured on film.
The movie tells about the routine of the flights and the jobs of the crew members in details and what weapons and accessories are carried alongwith the plane. All in all it's a must see for everyone who lives in this world and is in touch with the current events of the globe. Must make you feel envy about the fate of U.S presidents for possesing such an out of the world Air Plane.
Off We Go Into The Wild Blue Yonder
Keith G. Cromer | Navy Veteran - South Carolina | 07/25/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Air Force has helped put out a great educational film on Air Force One. You will see what others will not see as of course no tours are available. You start from when the Air Force started transporting Presidents up to the point of George W. Bush. It is both exciting and exhilarating. Don't let the title fool you. It of course takes you from preparations to take off up unto the time the President has made his final stop. It takes you off the airplane and shows you what goes into protecting the President to the home of the President in the air."