Surviving The Cut! Naruto Volume 10 Episodes
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Hi.My name is Timothy and im here to tell you about this dvd that is called Naruto Volume 10: Suviving The Cut!.The episodes are as follows:
37: Surviving The Cut! The Rookie Nine Together Again!:
When team 7 finally makes it to the tower after the forest of death, they are greeted by Iruka.He tells them about the writing on the walls.After that all 7 teams that passed assemble in a room where the final rounds are suposed to be held.However, since so many ninja passed, they have to go through a prelimanary round first!
38:Narrowing The Field:Sudden Death Elimanation!
After a special ninja comes and tells the genin that there will be prelimanary rounds, Sakura is very worried about Sasukes curse mark.She tries to raise her hand to tell the jonin ninja about it (she doesnt know that they already know about Sasukes curse mark) but Sasuke doesnt let her.Kabuto also quits because he is not in the condition to fight.The first match of the prelimanary round is (all the prelimanary matches are randomly picked) Sasuke Vs Orochimaru minion Yorokai.As the match begins, Sasuke has trouble with his curse mark, as Yorokai uses a jutsu that absorbs Sasukes chakra.Will Sasuke be able to suvive this fight?
39:Bushy Brows Jealosy:Lions Barrage Unleashed!
As Yorokai continues to use his chakra absorbing justsu, with Sasuke pinned down, it looks as if its over for him.Luckily Sasuke manages to kick Yorkai off of him.Then Sasuke remembers a jutsu that will hopefully get him to pull it off.He uses Lees forbidden jutsu:Prime Lotus.As Sasuke doesnt have any fancy stuff on that Lee has on he decides to use his Lions Barrage.He just barly manages to pull it off to be the winner of the first match.Kakashi takes him to a sacred place to seal Sasukes curse mark and Sasuke ends up falling asleep after sealing it,however,an uninvited guest walks in to the place.Meanwhile the seconed match,Shino Vs Zaku,begins with Zaku being able to use his left arm and blasting Shino with slicing sound wave.Will the match be over,or will Shino be able to continue?
40:Kakashi And Orochimaru:Face To Face
As Shino gets back up after Zakus incredibly powerful attack, Shino and his bugs work together to end up defeating Zaku.Meanwhile, Kakashi comes face to face with the sonin snake demon and creater of the sound village named Orochimaru,who had fought with team 7 in the forest of death.Will Kakashi be able to defeat this evil Sonin demon that is bloodthirsty for the Sharingan?