"Interviews are boring but Nardwuar pulls so much obscure shit out of his ass he makes them way more interesting than the guy he's interviewing ... Brilliant." -- Vice Only Vancouver, BC could produce a media personality ... more »like Nardwuar the Human Serviette--notorious for his interviews of celebrities and politicians. He has a way of thinking up unusual questions, and the fearlessness to ask them, even if he knows it'll get him thrown out of the room. Nardwuar's one of those forces that gets unleashed with unpredictable results, but it's usually only the people who are full of pretension and self-importance who end up squirming on the hook. A "prequel" to last year's Doot Doola Doot Doo Doot Doo DVD, Welcome To My Castle is an interviewonly compilation featuring two of Nardwuar's public access TV specials from the 1990s. Also includes a bonus DVD, Nard Raw, of stimulating bonus interview material.« less