Al súper fanático del fútbol, Pedro Weber "Chatanuga" le sonríe la suerte al ganarse nada menos que los pronósticos deportivos. Hasta sus hijos: Huguito, Maradona y Pele, le echan porras cuando se ... more »va a la ciudad de México para reclamar su premio. Pero la bronca es que su compadre, Alfonso Zayas, esta tras de el boletito y para eso esta dispuesto a intercambiarlo hasta por su esposa. Vea por las que pasan estos dos nacos y sus esposas por unos cuantos milloncitos. Pedro Weber "Chatanuga" a super fanatic of football soccer wins the jackpot of the soccer sweepstakes. Even his three sons, Huguito, Maradona and Pele cheer him on his way to Mexico city to claim his prize. But the only problem is that his "compadre", Alfonso Zayas is after his winning ticket and wouldn?t even think twice to trade it for his wife. Experience the adventure of these two "compadres" and their wives for a few million bucks. In Spanish No Subtitles« less