Ants: Little Creatures Who Run the World Explore vast underground caverns, from which working-class armies pour forth to defend their highly structured communal way of life. Are these feudal societies in the Middle Ages? N... more »o, they?re ants! Hosted by Harvard University?s internationally renowned ant authority, naturalist Edward O. Wilson, NOVA looks at the most successful life forms on Earth. What's impressive about ants? All ants belong to extended families, and unselfishness is the rule. Everything they do is for their colony's benefit. For them, socialism works. Bees: Tales from the Hive Did you know it takes nectar from 10 million flowers to create a single liter of honey? No wonder they?re called worker bees! Amazing up-close footage filmed with special lenses brings you the most intimate?and most spectacular?portrayal of a working bee colony ever filmed. Expose yourself to a bee colony?s secret world. It?s not frightening?it?s fascinating. The Unknown World They're hiding in your closet. They're lurking in your bed. They're all over you?snacking on your skin, burrowing through your scalp, munching on your mascara. They're the creepy crawlers of the unknown world, and now?thanks to micro-photographer Lennart Nilsson, you can catch these critters in the act, magnified to monster size. Zoom in: a secret drama is taking place, in, on, and around us in a hidden world. And yes, we're all in it together?whether we know it or not.« less