Don't be hate'n the playa baby
Raven Man | Baltimore, MD | 09/08/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"To all you other NFL Teams...don't be hate'n the playa baby. Just because Jamal Lewis ran circles around your team and racked up over 2000 yards for the season shouldn't stop you from buying this. Just because the Browns got beat for 500 yards combined shouldn't stop you from buying this. Just because the Seahawks got squashed in the fourth quarter by a journey man QB and WR shouldn't stop you from buying this. Just because we have the greatest middle linebacker in the history of the game...number 52...RAY LEWIS....shouldn't stop you from buying this. Just because we got a team back in Baltimore a city that was screwed by Tagliadork shouldn't stop you from buying this.
This DVD has more action and adventure then any motion picture. This DVD will keep you glued to your seat as you wait in antisipation to see if the Ravens will or will not make the playoffs. This DVD will let you know that the AFC North belongs to the MIGHTY BALTIMORE RAVENS!!!!!!! LET NO ONE STOP THIS MIGHTY BIRD AS WE WILL FLY INTO YOUR CITY AND STOP YOUR TEAM FROM SCORING!!!"