Journey once more through the portals on the Satellite of Love to the best of the worst that cinema has to offer. Joel, Mike, and their "robot friends" do another hilarious orbit around four full-length features, presentin... more »g the kind of skits and wisecracking commentary that are clearly written by the culturally insane.« less
A wide variety of good episodes from seasons 4, 6 and 9.
Valnastar | Deep 13, USA | 10/03/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"MST3K Volume 8 contains two episodes from the Comedy Central years and two from the Sci-Fi Channel years. One stars Joel Hodgson and three star Mike Nelson as host. There is lots of sci-fi and horror fun in these four weird and wonderful episodes. Here's a synopsis of each of them:
Episode 421- MONSTER A-GO GO (with short: CIRCUS ON ICE)
The movie is a hilarious bit of b/w 1965 sci-fi made by Bill Rebane, the guy who later brought you The Giant Spider Invasion. The plot involves an astronaut returning to Earth as a radioactive "monster" and the efforts to catch him. The film has a surprise ending which I won't give away here in case there are any MST3K fans about to buy this set that haven't seen it. I will say that the surprise, if you can call it that, will make you groan, and Joel and the `Bots make some hilarious jokes at the film's expense when the so-called big surprise is revealed. The writers at MST3K were often at their best when the films were at their worst, and this episode is no exception. The low budget is readily apparent in everything about this film, like the poor sound quality, the acting, direction and props (or lack of them). For example, there's one especially funny scene wherein an actor is forced to make a ringing noise to simulate a telephone ringing instead of having an actual sound effect of a telephone ring! The short, Circus On Ice, is also a bit weird and takes a hilarious verbal pounding from the crew of the SOL. Wait till you see the skater playing a fawn getting shot! It's not your typical ice show or circus, that's for sure.
Episode 603- THE DEAD TALK BACK (with short: THE SELLING WIZARD).
This b/w feature was filmed in 1957, but never saw the light of day till it was released on video in 1993 and then appeared on Mystery Science Theater. An inventor is working on a machine that will allow him to speak to the dead. One of his fellow boarding house tenants is murdered, so they supposedly use his invention to have a séance and speak with the victim and reveal the murderer. There's lots of inaction in the middle before the climactic séance scene and (yes, another) surprise ending. Dull and dumb, but good for some laughs, especially with the crew of the SOL. The short, The Selling Wizard, is only slightly livelier, but is funny when the MST3K gang gives it the usual treatment. It's a classic bit of American advertising by the Anheuser-Busch Company that gets an amusing and merciless MST3K treatment.
Any movie with Richard Kiel as a large grotesque monster can't be a total waste. An SF flick made in 1961 in black and white, it has everything you'd expect: stiff acting, rubber suit monsters, pretty girls in scanty attire, and cheesy special effects. The story involves an Earth astronaut finding his way onto a wandering "phantom planet" where the humanoid inhabitants are advanced and look just like earthlings, only extremely diminutive by comparison. The astronaut shrinks to their size when exposed to their atmosphere, after which love, jealousy, action and melodrama ensue. There's a really fruity optimistic speech made by one of the astronaut characters early in the picture, just before he dies a sudden death from a meteoroid strike; what message is the filmmaker trying to send with that? If you like old SF films, you will like this one a lot.
Episode 907- HOBGOBLINS
This 1987 rip-off of Gremlins directed by Rick Sloane is just about as bad as a movie can get. There is nothing amusing, entertaining, funny or scary about this movie and it fails to entertain on EVERY level. I've read that most of Mr. Sloane's movies are of a less reputable type (wink, wink) than bad SF, but no matter what your taste you won't want to see anything else by him after you've seen this garbage. If possible, it's less entertaining than Manos Hands of Fate! The seeming intentional humor in the film is about as funny as a train wreck, so it's not that easy for the MST3K writers to get humor out of it, however, it is goofy enough and poorly made enough to give them something to use and the end result is funny enough to be worth it for viewers. The MST3K writers must have really had to suppress their gag reflexes in order to make a funny episode out of this one, but we benefit from their sacrifice.
These four shows all represent a strong effort even if the films used in them do not. The variety of films used should prove interesting to most viewers and there's a little something for everyone. Everything in this set is still funnier and more original than nearly anything you'll find on TV before or since these aired, even if one or two of these are not on your favorites list. Monster A-Go Go is so hilarious that I'd recommend the set for that one alone. Now Rhino Video, how about Rocketship X-M, King Dinosaur, Lost Continent, Wild Rebels, Outlaw and Magic Voyage of Sinbad for the next few sets! Please publish more MST3K episodes soon!"
Great Collection
W. Brantley | Louisville, Kentucky USA | 10/12/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Rhino has been doing a great job with the MST3K dvds including letting fans vote on the episodes they would most like to see. Two of my favorite choices made it to this collection and I cannot wait to show these to my friends. The first is "Hobgoblins" which just astounds you that adults actually made this film. The garden-tool fight alone is worth the set. The second is the "Dead Talk Back" which has some of the best bad acting including the scientist who has the most annoying attitude. The boarding house dinner scene has got to be the worst mixture of over-the-top bad acting and rambling voice-overs in any movie."
On The Phantom Planet, The Dead Talk To Hobgoblins At The Mo
Mike King | Taunton, MA United States | 12/19/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The movies included in Volume 8 are great, in the sense that they're perfect for getting the Mystie treatment. "The Dead Talk Back" (1957) is a movie that was so bad, it wasn't released, it escaped! This no name, no budget film involves a mad scientist who supposedly invents a radio-like device that enables him to communicate with the dead. In addition to a religious zealot and assorted loonies, one of the people living in his rooming house is a (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) fashion model. When she is murdered, the nutty professor holds a seance in his laboratory, and uses his invention to ask the victim who murdered her. I won't reveal the surprise ending but, as Crow noted, the dead really didn't talk back!
"Phantom Planet" (1961) is a very cheesy sci-fi flick. Just before one of the two astronauts goes outside to make repairs to the spaceship, he makes this maudlin statement. "You know, Captain, every year of my life I grow more and more convinced that the wisest and the best is to fix our attention on the good and the beautiful. If you just take the time to look at it." Fortunately, he is killed before he makes it back inside the rocket. The spaceship is forced down on a meteor, which is really the phantom planet Rheton. The Captain sees a group of miniature people and promptly passes out. The special effects of him shrinking down to their size while inside his spacesuit are pretty good, given the year and the film's budget. Later, the Captain helps the Rhetons fight off a fiery race of beings called the Solorites. Obviously, their weapons are based on the principles of Solaranite that Ed Wood spoke of in "Plan 9 From Outer Space" (1959).
"Monster A-Go Go" (1965) must have been made on a shoestring budget. The crashed space capsule is so small that the robots remark that the astronaut must have been short and standing up for the entire flight! In one scene in a laboratory, you can clearly hear the sound of a phone ringing. However, there's no phone in sight, and nobody reacts to the sound. In a later scene, someone off camera mimics the sound of a phone ringing before the actor picks up the phone. As the mutated astronaut is trapped in a tunnel, the movie abruptly ends, with the following narration. "Suddenly, there was no trail. There was no giant, no monster, no thing called astronaut Frank Douglas to be followed. There was nothing in the tunnel but the puzzled men of courage who suddenly found themselves alone with shadows and darkness." HUH?
"Hobgolbins" (1987) is the illegitimate child of "Gremlins" (1984) and "Ghoulies" (1985). The Hobgoblins live in the unlocked vault of an unused movie studio. An old security guard warns his new assistant to stay away from that area, but his curiosity gets the best of him. The Hobgoblins make him think that he's living out his fantasy of being a rock star, but he dies as a result of fulfilling his fantasy. My favorite scene occurs after the little critters get loose. Under their influence, the uptight girlfriend of the main character becomes a stripper at Club Scum. In a chase through the nightclub, you can clearly see people tipping over their own tables to create chaos. A hand grenade is thrown and a brave soldier throws himself on it. Instead of being blown to bits, he is set on fire! By the end of this movie, I was rooting for the Hobgoblins to take over the world. Without the help of the Hobgoblins, my fantasy would be for Rhino to release the following. Volume 9 would include the movies "The Crawling Eye" (first season, first episode), "Rocketship X-M," "It Conquered The World" and "Village Of The Giants." Volume 10 would include "The Sinister Urge," "Devil Doll," "Soultaker" (the episode where Joel visits Mike), and "Diabolik" (final season, last episode)."
All Things Mystie!
Marla Mize | Salem, Oregon United States | 11/13/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Keep it up Rhino!
I have ALL of the MST3K episodes on tape with the exception of the first year on KTMA. I will buy every title that Rhino will produce. Yes, I have even bought the repeated Rhino titles, single titles that were put into volume collections(shame on them for that).
In other words, I AM A MST3K Fanatic. So, I want to applaud everyone who buys and appreciates all things Mystie. Even the worst episodes are better than, well, anything!
I must correct Brian Mendus' well written review, for he named the wrong character in "Monster-A-Go-Go". Glenn Manning is of course from "The Amazing Colossal Man", episode #309, and "War of the Colossal Beast", episode #319. Our mysterious "monster" in "Monster-A-Go-Go"is named Frank Douglas, and he was "rescued alive, well and of normal size, some eight thousand miles away..."
Mystery Science Theater 3000 forever."
"You know, four movies went into the making of this film..."
Andrew McCaffrey | Satellite of Love, Maryland | 07/24/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Volume 8 in the MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000 DVD collection is another good mixture of episodes from both the Comedy Central era and the Sci-Fi Channel years. Here are some quick comments on each of the four episodes:
MONSTER A-GO GO. A Joel episode. The only thing I knew about this film is that during a break in MANOS: THE HANDS OF FATE, Joel tells his robot friends to hang on by reminding them that since they survived MONSTER A-GO GO they should be able to endure MANOS. This worried me, as it's hard to imagine a film bad enough to be mentioned in the same breath as MANOS.
It turns out that MONSTER isn't nearly that bad, although it is completely incoherent, and features bad acting, terrible direction and inexcusably dreadful writing (especially the non-ending). I had expected this film to be much sillier based on the title, which conjures up images of huge monsters in little mini-skirts and go-go boots. Unfortunately, it's much more boring than that.
THE DEAD TALK BACK. A Mike episode. While the ending of MONSTER A-GO GO reminded me of a cheap rip-off of The Twilight Zone (without the producers understanding the reason that show's shock endings worked so well), I got that impression for much of THE DEAD TALK BACK (with the similar lack of understanding of why the original was a success). This movie involves two main plot-strands. First of all, there's a surprisingly not-mad scientist developing a method for communicating with the dead. Second, there's an unexplained murder. Hmmm, I wonder if those two threads will intersect at any point. They do, but the result isn't terribly interesting.
PHANTOM PLANET. A Mike episode. This movie continued the tradition of me expecting Rod Serling to walk on at the end and apologize for the appalling lack of quality. This clichéd early-1960s sci-fi movie feels exactly like every other bad black and white science-fiction movie of the era. It's trying to be deep and meaningful, which it would have a chance of succeeding at if only it weren't one of the most shallow movies I've ever seen. Take a dull sci-fi concept (an astronaut is shrunk down to the same size as minuscule aliens) mix it with some incoherent philosophy (violence and war are not the answer, except for sometimes when they are) and you have PHANTOM PLANET. Share and enjoy.
HOBGOBLINS. A Mike episode. I hadn't watched this episode since MST3k was still producing new episodes, but I clearly remembered Crow's line which neatly summarizes the film's merrily misogynist attitude: "So, Daphne was fun because she was a slut. And Amy wasn't fun until she became a slut. Now I get it! Thanks, movie!"
This cheap late-1980s rip-off of Gremlins is, simply put, abysmal. The complete and utter illogic of the plot makes it perfect for MST3k and can be neatly summed up with Mike's line: "Tell me again why they have an elaborate security system, but they never lock anything?" This film has a somewhat interesting premise which it abandons almost immediately. Supposedly, these alien hobgoblins will give humans everything they desire, but what humans desire inevitably causes their downfall. You'd think there'd be something interesting for the filmmakers to say here about human desire, but they completely miss the point of their premise by simply having the wishes become evil and kill their human.
While these four films varied wildly in terms of quality (and what I mean is that there was huge variation in exactly how these films were bad), the comic riffing was pretty consist across all the episodes. Personally, I thought the jokes in HOBGOBLINS were the strongest, possibly because it was the out-and-out goofiest movie in the collection. This is a great compilation and much recommended to fans or newcomers to the series."