The Brain That Wouldn't Die - Poor quality audio and video but decent riske sci-fi story for its time.
Movie Reviews
We've got Movie Sign...for *two* versions of "The Brain"!
John DiBello | Brooklyn, NY | 05/06/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"[This is a review of the DVD version] If you love old bad SF movies but haven't ever seen them given the Mystery Science Theater treatment, you owe it to yourself to pick up this DVD! Mike Nelson and his robot pals Crow and Tom Servo watch this relentlessly silly turkey of a movie (a scientist saves the severed head of his girlfriend and puts her in a pan, where she pleads with him to let her die. How sloppily-put-together is this film? The filmmakers apparently forgot their own title and call it "The Head That Wouldn't Die" in the end credits.)--and throughout the entire film, Tom and the `bots mercilessly riff on the film with funny comments and jokes that'll have you rolling in your seats. Long a staple of Comedy Central and the Sci-Fi Channel, this is one of the first DVDs of this classic comedy series (many others are available on VHS). In addition to the pristine and clear picture you get with DVD, Rhino has also included the full *original* version of "The Brain That Wouldn't Die" on the flip-side of the disc so you can see it without Mike and the `bots (to riff on your own, perhaps?). The DVD menus are innovative and worth checking out just for the clever swish-pan of the bridge of the Satellite of Love (Crow, Servo, and Gypsy flash past us). If I had any quibble at all it's a minor one... why is the DVD chapter that begins the film entitled "It's Movie Time!" when every MSTie knows it should be "We've got Movie Sign!"? But I'll put up with minor problems like that as long as Rhino continues to give us these great reissues of classic MST3K episodes. Now if they'd only release "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians" and "Outlaw"... (Also recommended in this series: the DVD version of "Mystery Science Theater 3000: Eegah.")"
Mike's maiden voyage on MST3K left me in tears
Jeremy J. Stamp | Chicago, IL United States | 05/07/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The usual tale of the mad scientist, or in this case doctor attempting to revive the dead. He proves that he has the technology to do the deed. Despite the warning of his famous neurosurgeon father, Dr. Evil decides to finally introduce his girlfriend to his project. On the drive there, he speeds...gets in a wreck...she is decapitated...he retrives her head and runs through the woods to his workshop, head in hand. He keeps her head alive in some "neck juice", until he can find a body to attach her to. Dr. Evil cases the strip clubs and eventually finds the right body. He brings a babe back to his hideout, drugs her, and if it were not for his failed experiment in the closet, which amazingly resembles "Chunk" from the Goonies....well, you get the idea. This was Mike Nelson's first MST3K and everybody kept calling him everything but his name. At first it was annoying, but as these shows usually go, I eventually laughed until I cried. This was one of the funniest MST's I have ever seen. Mike and the robots were right on cue with their insults and there were no low or slow points, which is unusual for this show. The DVD offered the movie without the gang, a cool MST3K sticker, and the bonus material is Rhino's usual worthless real bonus. Despite the lack of cool stuff on the DVD, it is worth buying for the sheer hilarity."
ReAnimator fans will cringe...
JB | USA | 12/02/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Long before Herbet West creeped us out in the 80s, there was Dr. Bill. Bill has been doing some creepy things up at the cabin in the mountains, and this time, he's taking his fiancee up there with him. In an unexplained speeding frenzy up a winding road, they crash; Bill survives, but, well, only SOME of his girl Jan does.Bill scampers away from the burning mess of the car with a bundle, and we quickly realize it's Jan's head he's hiding in his jacket. Once he gets to the cabin, he sets Jan up with lots of tubes and percolating things and administers her this life-giving 'neck juice.' Is she happy to *somewhat* still be alive? Hell no! She's a freak now and ain't proud of it. The remainder of the film is Jan mocking Bill's eerie assistant and bitching at Bill. Funniest scene: Bill's method for shutting up Jan.Mike's first episode as the test subject of the 'Mads is definitely worth watching. Crow & Servo do their best to break him in, and it's a really great episode. Fans who find themselves missing Joel should know that, as the series head writer, Mike wrote many of the skits and lines Joel spoke, so while the host changes, not a lot else does. The Invention Exchange--a basic component of Joel shows--is slowly phased out, but Mike's invention is definitely a good one. A cameo at the end by Mary Jo as Jan is hilarious, and as is normal in most of the Mike episodes, Mike manages to tick her off too. Bill is creepy and easily unlikeable, especially when he goes trolling for a body for Jan! EWWWWW!!!! A must-see for Mike fans!"
This Talking Head is a Psycho Killer!
Andrew McCaffrey | Satellite of Love, Maryland | 11/16/2001
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Evil scientists, bizarre medical experiments, and a body-less head that floats about in a dinner pan - what more could a boy ask for? Mention the phrase "typical 50s science fiction B-movie" to someone, and you'll undoubtedly conjure up an image of something that's not wholly unlike THE BRAIN THAT WOULDN'T DIE. Yes, the classic movie where the evil scientist boyfriend keeps his favourite chick alive by pulling her head off of her body in a car wreck and setting it up in a laboratory in his basement. Somehow having her head cut off gives the girlfriend special powers of telepathy but only (and here's the catch) with really ugly monster experiments. Oh, and it also turns her evil, I think.This is Mike Nelson's first movie as a member of the crew onboard the Satellite of Love, and he fills Joel's shoes admirably. The jokes are mostly on target and the host segments are quite good. This isn't one of the best episodes of the show, but it's certainly an enjoyable one and quite an entertaining way to spend an hour and a half. The DVD version of this release comes with the uncut, full-screen format of the film on the flip side of the disc, if you're in a particularly masochistic mood.Highlights of the film include: the film title changing between the opening and closing credits, a decapitated head with attitude, and a mad scientist out prowling for spare heads at stripping diners."