Worth a watch, but not epic.
David Monroe | Houston, TX USA | 04/30/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This was a three DVD set. The first DVD was a made for TV special hosted by Charlton Heston. This first episode was very good and held my interest, as a fan of studying OOPARTs.
The second DVD looked like it was primarily made with cutting room floor material from the first one, but was a quite good expansion with just a little bit of new material.
The third disk dealt with what I saw not as OOPARTs, but with hoaxes. There was a little bit of interesting material here, lots of new footage, but overall, I'm not sure the third one was worth watching.
Sadly the third disk drug down what would have been a four star rating for the first disk to a three."
One of the better lost civilisation doco's
paulscaper | 09/04/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I have to say I enjoyed this set of dvd's alot despite much its pseudo scientific evidence. The production is well done with some historical backgrounds to the anomolies dug up through archealogy and the major players who write about this subject such as Graham Hancock.
Where dvd's or books like these fail in my opinion is in tying together new and old evidence and doing it in a more rigorous way, because some of the theories could well be generally correct, but are weakened by too much speculation and not enough discussion of other possibilities - because many of the other possibilities are actually just as fascinating.
Here are some examples of what Im talking about:
Graham Hancock goes to great rhetorical and imaginative length to try and prove that because seafarers in the 16th century had maps depicting Antarctica and that those maps were 'allegedly' sourced from ancient maps therefore people must have been sailing the globe thousands of years before. There is no mention of cultures other than europeans such as the chinese who it has also been claimed circumnavigated the world only 1 or 2 hundred years before the 16th century. The chinese were expert cartographers at this stage and could have easily produced maps that were subsequently copied. Secondly Hancock talks at length about the Piri Reis map showing antarctica but the Piri Reis map with antarctica is never shown. In a map book I own it states that only one fragment of the Piri Reis map now remains, a fragment that doesn't show antarctica. Instead in the dvd a picture of another more contemporary map is shown and to which Hancock describes it as being as good or better than modern day maps, which is just irrational given our current access to scientific technology, surveying and satelites. If Hancock is going to discuss ancient cultures he needs to be more specific about exact time frames, who these people were and what happened to them. In South America and Eygpt the large stone blocks are repeatedly mentioned in a Von Daneken style, that is frankly, boring in the 21st century when so much more engineering and cultural evidence could paint a better picture for the viewer.
Throughout the documentary various 'experts' discuss the ideas of a global catastrophe at the end of the last ice age but never talk about the current theories involved such as comet strikes or exploding supernovae radiation and debris blasts, which are fascinating in themself. Its always 'the great flood' 'or the great fires from heaven' but not much coverage of ancient stories in detail that often do indeed point to such an event. The idea of an event is taken for granted and not tied in neatly with both historical cultural accounts and modern scientific theories.
At one point in the film an 'expert' I forget now is discussing the find of a preserved footprint next to dinosaur footprints. In the film he talks about removing ledges to reveal more footprints while footage shows this apparent work taking place by what looks like a group of teenagers haphazardly breaking apart ledges. But if this was a highly significant site why would they be doing it by hand in such a careless way? Other possibilities for why certain artifacts are found in older rocks is never given and indeed it seems like these artifacts are never available to be seen - they are only talked about or shown in old photographs. The viewer has no way of verifying any of this and no explanations are given for what else might have caused this to happen (such as geological processes, landslides, meteor strikes breaking up bits of crust etc).
Discussion about ancient hominids is a little more thought provoking and the distorted intepretations of bones to become missing links is quite real. Even looking at the British museums model of 'Lucy' one can easily imagine it to be 'just another ape' and not the missing link. It doesn't mean we didnt evolve from apes but it clearly shows we are certainly still missing many bits of the jigsaw.
Anyway a great set of DVD's but a shame some of these folk can't be a little more scientifically minded and less journalistic because some of the theories deserve real scientific attention and graphic expression...but hey this is made by UFOTV remember!"
Finaly, May the Truth be Told - Truth-seekers Unite
eThos108 | USA | 05/18/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I was very happy to see this series of DVDs all together in one 3 DVD set. I was especially pleased with how the producers added complete and unedited bonus interviews of many of my most favorite authors and researchers who are featured on the DVDs such as Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval, Michael Cremo and the late Dr. Richard Thompson. I found that some of the other reviews here on Amazon for this DVD product were not helpful in conveying the fact that the major topic being discussed in this material and in these DVDs speak about how science is suppressed. The suppression of science is a major problem in the world today and often requires investigative reporters to uncover what the scientific establishment chooses to ignore. But that's not to say that this film doesn't include scientists, it does. In some cases the scientists in this film jeopardized their carriers to report discoveries that were violently rejected by the scientific establishment and is also a major part of what is discussed in this set of DVDs, the suppression of major scientific discoveries and the unsung heroes who went against the establishment to report the truth. This is why much of what is discussed in the other reviews is not helpful. They neglect to say that these DVDs are about the suppression of scientific discoveries. They also neglect to mention the unedited bonus interviews which are a very important edition to this DVD product. A special thanks goes to UFOTV for being willing to report the truth and release documentaries important to Truth-seekers that other producers care to ignore."