Prime Content
Darrell L. Bubb | Farmer City, IL USA | 01/19/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I was given this as a present. At first, I expected it to be much like all the others. Boy, was I pleasantly surprised! The cover says "Unlock History's Oldest Secrets". True to it's word. I was informed, entertained, and inspired to find out more by doing web searches for current day information. The production is not "slanted" in any direction, rather it is factual and brilliantly produced.
A BIG thumbs up!"
Mysteries of Europe, the Mediterranean, the Orient and the A
Annie Van Auken | Planet Earth | 01/06/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"READER'S DIGEST MYSTERIES OF THE ANCIENT WORLD is a modern visual update of their perennially popular book, THE WORLD'S LAST MYSTERIES. An oversized profusely illustrated work first published in 1974, it discusses most succinctly dozens of ancient sites, peoples and customs.
That model was clearly followed by this excellent three-part documentary: lots of interesting film clips accompany well-written narration. During nearly 170 minutes much is covered within each sub-topic. It's a fine program for all students and anyone interested in long ago civilizations. Highest recommendation.
Mysteries of Europe and the Mediterranean--
1.) Myths and Legends; 2.) Egypt; 3.) Greece; 4.) England; 5.) Stonehenge; 6.) Delphi
Topics include: hieroglyphics, the origin and uses of Stonehenge, and the Bronze Age Minoans of Crete.
Mysteries of the Orient--
1.) Ancient journeys; 2.) Asia; 3.) Petra; 4.) Cambodia; 5.) Constantinople; 6.) Indus valleys
Areas of interest: the Oriental Silk Road, the Anatolian city of Catal Hayuk (7000 to 1500BC), which is located in what is now Turkey, also the magnificent Petra in Jordan, a city carved out of sandstone cliffs that had an underground water system.
Mysteries of the Americas--
1.) Vanished civilizations; 2.) Incas; 3.) Llacta Pata, near modern Cuzco, Peru; 4.) Anasazi (1200BC) aka Puebloans of southwest USA; 5.) Moche (100 to 800AD), coastal dwellers of northern Peru; 6.) Mayans, a Mesoamerican civilization noted from at least 2000BC to about 1700AD.
Special attention given to: lost Incan cities, the Spanish conquest of Mexico and concomitant destruction of the Mayans, also human sacrifice rituals of the Moches."