An Amazing, Hellish Journey
Richard A Martin | Dayton, OH United States | 05/10/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Director Andy Copp has triumphed with this amazing vision of a journey through hell. Copp, in his first major directorial effort, presents an almost experimental tale concerning a man who wanders through a decimated world and performs self-mutilation for the enjoyment of the masses.Copp uses video and film footage to journey through the mind of the Mutilation Man. His hand held camera work gets up close and personal drawing the viewer in and then emotionally jolting the viewer in to questioning his or her own value system and life style. While shot on a budget, the lack of production money never shows. It is this lack of major studio support that forced Copp to use his creativity to its best advantage.While not a film for those who can't follow non-linear storytelling, the Mutilation Man is a triumph of the art of self expression through the medium of film and video.The film leaves the viewer drooling over the prospect of Copp's next film. He is an artist to watch!"
The Mutilation Man triumphs
CD Daffron | Los Angeles, CA | 05/04/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"While THE MUTILATION MAN had a couple of minor problems, it's a remarkable film from a first-time director. It bears passing resemblance to Jodorosky's SANTE SANGRE, but manages to capture its own darkly brilliant vision of a brutal and bleak world. Director Andy Copp exhudes a sure hand not often seen in newcomers to such a nihilistic subgenre of filmmaking, and one can only ponder what his next venture will be. Hopefully he can eschew the videocamera for actual film, just as his directorial abilities deserve. Great things can only be in store for someone with such an uncompromsing and hostile vision of the world around him. Let's hope that he gives us another entry into his sensibilities sometime in the near future."
Great Experimental Horror
Richard A. Martin | Dayton, OH United States | 11/23/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD of Andy Copp's wonderful experimental horror film improves upon the VHS. The extras give new insite in to this amazing but emotionally blasting film. See my review of the VHS for more info on this fine film.Worth every penny."
The Future of Horror
Richard Ganning | Hollywood, CA | 10/09/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is the directoral debut of a Mr. Andy Copp, the same Andy Copp who will be doing the lens work on the upcoming major Hollywood release, "The Feast". I was given this tape by a well-placed friend in the industry and I was totally blown away. Mr. Copp is a fan and student of the genre, and this movie proves that he has graduated up to the level of master. Splatter-gore has always been looked down by the masses (myself included), but the way that Mr. Copp approaches the medium is new, fresh, and inventive. At all costs, do not miss this movie. And be on the look out for "The Feast""