The Saturn-Award nominated Mutant X television series combines all the excitement of a thriller with the ingenuity of science fiction. And as Maxim put it, "Mutant X's feline wild child Victoria Pratt is the sexiest genet... more »ic anamoly we've ever seen.« less
"There was a huge movement and after a huge fight, the Mutant X Fandom finally made sure that the third Season was out on DVD and it was definitly well worth the fight we put up.This show just gets better and better every season. Despite the absence of Emma DeLauro (Lauren Lee Smith) the very capable and edgy Lexa Pierce (Karen Cliche) adds a new twist to an already wonderful show.Though she is no Emma many fans immediately warmed up to her and with good reason. She shares a great chemistry witht he other three members of the cast, all of whom seemed to know there characters like anything.
The plot is brilliant.Every episode has amazing twists and turns.And as well as the main storyline and action, every episode the viewers are treated to a new secret about each of the four main characters.So every episode as we reach the climax, we also get closer to the heart of Brennan, Jesse, Lexa and Shalimar.
The only thing I missed was Adam's prescence.John Shea played the part wonderfully, an his guest appearances brought back the old feelings from season one.
This is one any sci-fi /fantasy fan with any taste has to buy.
Mutant X Lives!"
The best show on television!
Damien Wright | Canada | 01/15/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"When it comes to originality and a medley of fresh idea's ,creativity , great cast chemistry, brilliant storylines and sharp martial arts that dazzle the eye and thrill the mind; Mutant X has it all and more.
Itis a downright shame that this show was cancelled because of the greed of Marvel. Mutant X and X-Men are nothing alike; there have been plenty of books and movies written about Mutants before X-men , but did they sure Marvel for using the Mutant name? No, because the idea does not belong to them anymore than the word 'alien' beings to only one science fiction writer.
Mutant X took science fiction and fantasy to a whole new level of originality.What I like best about it , is the originality with which the writers make use of the mundane powers the X-men have over used.In the X-Men the powers of the mutants are always too great to make it belivebale that they have problems losing to Magneto.But Mutant X have weakness's and stengths that give them an edge and make them more human and believable.
Lexa Pierce replaces Lauren Lee Smith, to join Shalimar Fox, Brennan Mulwray and Jesse Kilmartin in the race to find out the truth about New Mutants.Enemies become allies. Friends are lost and found and the world is turned upside down, as Mutant X battle the world around them.Saving those who fear and hate them time and time again, they are repaid with betrayal and lies.Even from those they love. As their skills are tested to the limit, everything is not what it seemed and one prophecy can be their destruction.
People often underestimate Mutant X, but one must understand that this show is a gem.A tiumph. A major achievement.It is not the work of great-broadcasting -corporations-with-unlimited budgets-that-play-it-safe-and-go-with-the-flow-to-make- money, and-avoid- risk. This is the work of individuals who worked with what little they had and turned it into something amazing.Something that can never be replicated for many years to come.In case you are interested, there is a campaign going on to bring back the show -the same campaign that brought about the release of the Season Three DVD set- which can be located at:
There is also the official Mutnt X website at:
Both pages are well worth a visit.
In short, but this DVD set today.You will not regret it."
Awesome Show!
LilLex537 | WI, USA | 09/15/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Season 3 is by far the best season Mutant X has ever had. It's not always the same story, save a mutant put them in the underground. Things aren't always so cut and dry this season. Plus the cast is amazing. Karen Cliche joins up this season as Lexa Pierce. She adds so much chemistry to the group and the relationships are very interesting to watch. If you are a true MX fan you have to have this DVD!
New season rocks!!!
. | ... | 12/23/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Better than I thought it would be as I wasn't feeling too good about hearing that Lauren Lee Smith (Emma) was no longer in the show. But I was surprised by how good Karen Cliche (Lexa) was replacing Lauren.
Her character Lexa has the ability to bind light or something like that. She is stunningly beautiful and amazing. Plus the storylines were a lot better than the other 2 seasons funny enough and too bad that this would be the last season. It ended with some unfinished business in the final story (not telling the ending!) Many questions need to be asked.
I really hope 1 day they will get back to make a Mutant X movie in order to finish the story off"
Excellent TV
amaya | England | 04/23/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"i was very impressed with mutant x the third season. the plot lines were fantastic and special effects great. the thing that i most enjoyed about the series though was how the characters had develeoped and the relationships between them had developed.
i was incredibly sad to find that there would be no fourth season. i've only receently got into mutant x as i saw the first and second season on TV recently and then bought the third season as they stopped airing mutant x after the second season, which disappointed me greatly.
i think the DVD was a great buy and well worth the money as i also find they are shows that i can keep on watching."