"Do You Guys Smell That?!"...
Bindy Sue Frønkünschtein | under the rubble | 10/12/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"MUTANT MAN is about an RV full of cannibal prey who break down in the middle of nowhere. Luckily, an anthropophagic hillbilly family offers them a place to spend the night. Our heroes are unaware that these are no ordinary hicks. They have a torture chamber in the basement! And a 7' mutant brother w/ hideously foul dental hygiene! He also growls and wears my mother's old 70s wig! Most of the victims are so annoying that it's a relief when they become mutant-chow! MM is your basic slaughter-fest w/ typically crazy inbreds carvin' up the tourists (Think WRONG TURN meets MOTHER'S DAY). There's blood, nudity, Ed Wood-style "acting", and excruciating attempts at humor. Still, I actually stayed awake 'til the end! I dare you to do the same..."
Goofy, but Entertaining
Gary Young | Tucson, AZ USA | 11/14/2003
(3 out of 5 stars)
""Mutant Man" is a completely ridiculous, over the top horror comedy. The movie beigins in the 50's, as we witness a woman giving birth to a malformed, demonic baby as some crazy blonde woman and two kids(and a dog) look on in eager anticipation. From this odd start, the action moves to the present wherein an extended family of campers break down in the middle of nowhere. Obviously they soon meet up with the title character and his wacky, cannibalistic family.
What could have been a completely stupid movie is saved by its own self mocking humor as well as some interesting characters. The Mutant Man clan are possibly the most memorable family of psychos since Leatherface and his kin first buzzed on the scene.
Despite the low budget, this is a pretty well made little flick. It doesn't take itself very seriously, yet still manages to deliver some good scares and graphic gore. If you like offbeat horror "Mutant Man" might just be your cup of blood."
I've seen over 200 slashers & this is one of the 2 worst
Robert Firsching | Alexandria, VA USA | 11/02/1999
(1 out of 5 stars)
"In 1959, two kids watch their mom die give birth to a demonic baby in this dreadful slasher film from Suzanne DeLaurentiis, who made her name performing in cheesy '80s T&A movies. Forty years later, a group of young numbskulls go camping and break down near the remote farm where it happened, only to be set upon by the now-grown Mutant Man and his sick protectors. There's bad music, bad acting, bad effects, and some of the most moronic dialogue this side of Bats. The Mutant Man himself is big Jim Baldi in Morlock makeup and a silly blond wig. He runs around the woods growling and beating people in the head when he isn't chaining young women in root-cellars. As far as slasher movies go, it's not as bad as The Last Slumber Party, but it comes very close and is just as big a waste of time."