Unbelievable Performances
P. R. Fenstermaker | Leesville, LA, USA | 02/05/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I originally watched this movie when it came out on tv several years ago. I enjoyed it so much I copied it to a VHS tape, which at the time was the hot thing. When I noticed it had been released on DVD, I just had to buyt it. Besides the incredible portrals by the actors themselves. The soundtrack added an extra something to the movie. First you have Helen Hunt as the steamy seductive teacher. I don't remember having teachers that looked like that. I believe Hot For Teacher by Van Halen, had to be written while watching this story, lol. Chad Allen as the lovestruck or should I say lust struck teenager was excellent. Howard Hesseman the original Dr. Johnny Fever (Remember him from W.K.R.P in Cinncinatti!), playing a serious part of a lawyer and Larry Drake as the defendants backup. I have to admit if I would have been in the same situation, I might have done the same thing. Ok perhaps maybe not go as far as murder, but the thought probably would've crossed my mind. I've seen Helen in plenty of other movies. But her performance in this movie definitey steals the show and leaves a long lasting impression. I do agree that it makes long-haired headbangers look evil and such. But that's only if people don't open their minds to the possibilities. So if you're a fan of Helen Hunt and heavy metal, you'd probably really enjoy this movie. I know I have and no matter how many times I've seen it. The performances are still amazing. Check it out for yourself. I'm sure you won't be dissappointed."
A Helen Hunt triumph
M. Locke | Central Florida, USA | 03/02/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"If you're a Helen Hunt fan, you'll love this film. Personally I wanted to see it because it's a "down home in New Hampshire" flick. A true story set to film that's intriguing and has some excellent performances. The plot flows nicely and Helen Hunt is phenominal and believable as Pam Smart. In some true stories, for example, some of the Kennedy family movies, the actors just don't seem to "fit" the part. They're not "believable". In this movie, Helen hunt is very "believable" as Pam Smart. You wonder how a seemingly intelligent woman can want to be rid of a such a gorgiously handsome, sucessful husband for a mullet-wearing teen dude but hey, those raging hormones, right? I found that I had to keep reminding myself that this really is a true story. You shake your head in amazement as to why and how this could happen, but following the "dance" between Pam and Chad, you see the pieces fit. As in "The Mary Letorneau Story", you can also see after a while the how it could have happened even if it really makes no sense to the rational adult mind. Most people could never picture themselves in the same position, especially if they're a parent. As one who enjoys true life stories and being a huge fan of Helen Hunt, I highly reccomend 'Murder in New Hampshire' as a part of your DVD collection. I only had to see it on TV once to know that I had to buy it for my own collection."
MFTV Highs and Lows
Cynthia A. Mcclelland | 02/14/2003
(3 out of 5 stars)
"A typical MFTV movie with a few interesting strenths, but tends to sag and go flat here and there, especially as it skips back and forth between the story and the trial. I bought the film mainly because it has a heavy metal theme. I'm a metal fan and longhair guy and I liked this aspect of the film, and I like seeing Helen Hunt as a headbanger chick. Some of you metalheads might enjoy a few of the cool '80's hair metal parts which are sprinkled throughout the film. The one thing that irritates me about this film besides it being dull here and there is that it indirectly portrays the typical, tired stereotype of the long haired metalheads as "bad" and "evil", something hollywood wrongly and unfairly always seemed to do with us. If heavy metal isn't your thing you probably won't like this film."
Incrediable performence by all
Cynthia A. Mcclelland | Bristol | 04/19/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I just loved this film. Helen Hunt fit that part like it was written just for her. It had all the elements that create a good film, greed, lust. pride and a great court room drama at the end. It is a wonder if the real Pam Smart will ever see the light of day after watching this recreation of a Murder in New Hamphire."