"Ignore the bad reviews, this double feature DVD is the best that these classic "B" movies have ever looked on home video. The moody black and white cinematography yields a gray scale feast if viewed on a correctly calibrated display device. The picture is sharp and the contrast is excellent. GHOST has a few scratches on the print but otherwise looks crisp. CURSE is near flawless. Only a full scale Million dollar restoration like the one given CITIZEN KANE by Warner Home Video could produce a better black and white image. As for the Production Notes, they are written with an obvious love and affection for the genre and have lots of information unavailable anywhere else. If you enjoy these movies, buy them; they've never looked better than they do on this reasonably priced double feature disc."
Poor and average
S J Buck | Kent, UK | 11/13/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"The Mummys Ghost and the Mummys Curse are both late Universal horror films being made in 1944. Sadly by this time Universal had lost their ability to make classic horror films and were about to enter the Abbott and Costello meet the Wolfman era.
Curse is the better of two films and warrants the 3 stars I have awarded the pair. Indeed this film has one classic scene that must rank as one of the best scenes in any of Universals horror films. Watch when Princess Ananka awakes from the mud. This is really well done and has an almost 3D effect to it. Sadly though the rest of the film is at best average and rather pointlessly for a short 61 minute movie its starts with a song in a bar.
The less said about Ghost the better. Its only redeeming feature was the ending which was very unlike Hollywood. For that it deserves credit.
Overall though these are basically very average films, which certainly do not compare with Universals orginal film starring Boris Karloff. Now that is a film you should be buying!"
Mummy's curse
mason williams | bloomington, in USA | 09/18/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The mummy's curse is the fourth and final of the "real" mummy movies. It's the one that you have probably seen on late night horror fests growing up. When I watched the Mummy's ghost I realised that I had never seen it, nothing about it rang a bell at all. It's an ok spook fest with a good number of suprises. The treat here is finally getting the Mummy's curse. It looks great, very crisp, great sound (mono), great dvd packaging as well. Somehow this is THE one. I have all 5 MUMMY movies in the original series and this is the famous one. 1-4 seemed to get lost or have just became obscure even though they were famous films. If you're trying to figure out the name of the Mummy movie you remember watching as a kid it's probably this one. The hammer films Mummy series is also pretty darn GODlike. They are all out as well. (The Mummy's shroud is the killer one there). please avoid the 1999 & 2001 remakes, they are painful beyond words!! all hail the one and only true universal MUMMY."
I'm a MUMMY!
David | Theethertonville | 06/17/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Man, the reviewer a couple below hits the nail on the head when he asks why anyone would be embarrassed for enjoying these classic films. These and the other Universal Calssic Monsters set the bar for quality in the genre and had a huge impact worldwide. Consider Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein, directed by the amazing James Whale. Who would argue that these are not just excellent horror films, but simply excellent films. Creature from the Black Lagoon. Again, it may be dated somewhat, but what movies from this era aren't? It still delivers tension and creeps. The Mummy series of Universal films may be my favorite of the lot. This particular DVD reissue is an essential edition to any horror or classic film afficionado's collection and is a great introduction for the next generation as well."
1940's Mummy serial films comes to DVD!
Christian Lehrer | Bay Point, CA | 04/10/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Having already purchased these releases on VHS plus the Laserdisc box set, I did not rush out pell-mell to get the DVD's. When I did I remebered how much I had enjoyed the films as a kid. I immediately brought extras copies for some contemporary "kids". While lacking any real extras, not even the poster and photo still collection on the Laserdisc release, it still made for a great DVD. There was a little more print damage on "The Mummy's Ghost" than on the Laser release, but the picture quality was stronger overall, due to DVD transfer process. The print quality on "The Mummy's Curse" was about the same and the sound quality on both was excellent. Considering that these films were nearly 60 years old when the DVD was produced Universal has down an admirable job. Contrary to other reviews these movies were in fact not filmed back to back. "The Mummy's Ghost" was actually made in 1943, see opening credits, but was released theatrically in 1944. "The Mummy's Curse" was released over Christmas 1944 on a double bill with "House of Frankenstein", with some of the same actors working in both films, including Lon Chaney, Jr. The scene of Princess Ananka (Virginia Christine) rising from the ground in "The Mummy's Curse" is a classic and is used in many later films. Make some popcorn and share these with the "kids" of all ages. Thanks, CAL"