Mother doesn't always know best.
M. S. Skidmore | Kinver, United Kingdom | 03/14/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Imagine if Mike Leigh and Tobe Hooper got drunk one night, fooled around and had a love child, then this new movie by director Steven Sheil would surely be the ghastly outcome. Shot like a kitchen sink drama but with the mean spirited nature that is prevalent in the horror genre at the moment - ''Mum and Dad'' is one sick puppy that like others who venture down this road, fails in comparison to the 70s homegrown horror big hitters like ''Texas Chainsaw'' and ''Halloween'' which it is so desperately trying to emulate.
The story has Lena (played well by Olga Fedori), a young polish cleaner working the nightshift at an airport in London. There, she unwittingly befriends brother and sister duo Birdie and Elbie. Enticing Lena back to their home, she is then tortured for the rest of the movie by the pseudo siblings' monsterous parentage, the mum and dad of the title.
Essaying 'Dad' is 1980s British comedy actor and Shane Meadows regular Perry Benson. His portrayal is ugly and off putting, and a million miles away from his comedic roles such as 'You Rang M'Lord'. 'Mum' played by Dido Miles, is another abomination and her deviant nature is depicted in graphic detail.
Across the board, the movie is well acted and observed in a usual british, gritty reality. Sheils' direction is paced well and he has an eye for the bizarre, however his screenplay is nothing more than what you have already seen before in other movies of this ilk which have used their obvious budgetary limitations to a much better use. The film does feel in parts like an overlong episode of the UK TV series 'The Royal Family' if uncle leatherface came to stay. I assume the main characters were modeled after recent tabloid british serial killers and this seeps through into the atmosphere and feel of the film and does add a sense of authenticity to the proceedings - however, from my old man and jaded point of view, it all feels a little stale and I really wish this 'toture porn' cycle would come to it's end soon. It really is a shame as this could have been a contender, but again the hype surrounding the film is inaccurate and only there to give the film notoriety. Just a shame it doesn't warrant it. Sure, its sick and distasteful, but where is the power and real horror that those older movies (Psycho, Henry and the aforementioned Texas Chainsaw Massacre) displayed so effortlessly?
If you need to see a good 'bad family' picture, check out Bob Balaban's late 80s horror film ''Parents''. Same kind of story, just done with more style, wit and genuine dread. Rent 'Mum and Dad' if you must, but don't go in expecting the next 'big thing'. Just an R Rated episode of The Royal Family would be a more precise analogy..."
Absolutely brilliant!
Music Lover. | England. | 08/25/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
""Mum and Dad". What a great movie! Showing how bad life can be in a seriously dysfunctional family! Something of an understatement here when given the kind of 'family' involved.
Polish immigrant worker at an airport finds herself stranded for the night in her work colleague's home and ends up staying much longer than expected, being held captive and made to live as part of the mad family set-up, with ma and pa and the work colleague and her brother, whom never speaks a word throughout the entire movie. (No doubt he's been too traumatised by the goings-on to ever find his voice again!).
Apparently the director wanted a British version of a "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" type movie, but in my view he succeeds in making a far superior film to that old cult classic, which I found myself quickly bored with owing to the tedious, nonstop screaming of Marilyn Chambers, the 'heroine' of TCM.
In fact, in my opinion, "Mum and Dad" is better than all of the TCM movies (including the remake) and Hostel movies put together. It is far more interesting, and believable. It has realistic and credible effects, nothing OTT silly like the hanging eyeball sequence in the first "Hostel" film, an effect that was frankly ludicrous and destroyed any credibility the movie had had up until then. I had found myself soon bored with "Hostel" anyway. Not so with "Mum and Dad" which managed to keep my interest absorbed throughout.
Unlike the tiresome screaming of Chambers in TCM, which only served to make the movie irritating, our heroine in "Mum and Dad" makes you root for her all the way. This girl used her intelligence to think of cunning ways to extricate herself from the horrendous situation, instead of resorting to mindless screaming like Chambers did in "Chainsaw". (Though admittedly, this one would not have been able to make much of a noise, as she'd been injected to silence her voice, at least at first).
The movie also has a great theme tune, a haunting. traditional song called "900 Miles" sung by Gemma Ray. You get to hear it a lot on the DVD's menu.
The DVD also boasts some interesting extras, including the director's admission that the movie only cost £100,000 to make. Which, in my estimation makes this film even more of an achievement.
There are interviews with most of the leading cast, though strangely minus one with our heroine, making me wonder if perhaps she had declined to be interviewed, as it seemed a little odd that the main character was not asked to give some input into the interviews.
To sum up, a great effort, and well done to all concerned. A triumph!
A gem...
P. B Rubalcaba | Redlands, CA USA | 02/25/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
""Mum and Dad", a British horror release in 2008, is a nice little terror nugget. All I can say definitely don't want to go to mum and dad's house. Eery, graphic, a psycho thriller to the end. This one is definitely not for the squeamish...we're dealing with deranged whole grain freaks in this one. Though I've seen similar films with similar plots, this one is done quite well...worthy of all 5 stars. Kudos to Director Steven Shiel...please continue to produce this type of horror gem!"
Coronation Street Goes To Hell
JJ LoveBeast | The House Beside the Last House on the Edge of Dea | 01/19/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Wonderfully demented black comedy/horror about a kidnapped immigrant girl forced to endure some brutal "behavioral modification" at the hands of a seriously twisted family.
A sick, slick bit of nastiness and darker than dark humor."