Preview looked real funny. Actual movie, not so funny!
Linda C. from CORVALLIS, OR Reviewed on 1/15/2011...
Warm, funny, feel good movie.
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Jacqueline Y. (JacquieBeans) from COLUMBIA, SC Reviewed on 11/20/2009...
From start to finish, this Sandler film is predictable but sweet. Classic Sandler & Gang, starring Wynona Rider.
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Kimberly B. (TheBookHunter) from SALEM, OH Reviewed on 9/29/2008...
I love this movie and never get tired of watching it!
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
Mr. Deeds
Kelly | Littleton, Colorado | 03/22/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This was an entertaining movie with a sound cast. The story didn't quite measure up to the original as the remake, but there were some funny shining moments. While this is supposed to be an Adam Sandler film, John Turturro literally steals the movie. He is hilarious as Emilio Lopez the "sneaky sneaky" butler. This movie showcases his well timed comedic talent. Without his contribution, it would have been just an okay remake of a 1920's classic.
Not his best, not his worst; somewhere in the middle
Charlotte Vale-Allen | CT USA | 07/09/2002
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Okay, so I'm an Adam Sandler fan. I admit it. I will take the pies in the face. Some of his movies are better than others. This isn't one of the better ones; it isn't the worst, either. It has some truly hilarious moments and what is, arguably, John Turturro's best performance--as the faster-than-light Spanish man-servant. Turturro alone makes this film worth seeing and, to his credit, Sandler lets him fly as one of the daftest, cleverest characters I've seen in ages. Turturro utterly, completely, convincingly inhabits the character of Emilio, complete with cummerbund and foot fetish.Winona Ryder is pedestrian, Conchata Ferrell (one of the great underrated actresses of all time--check out her fine performance in Mystic Pizza) has terrible material to work with; and Steve Buscemi is literally nothing more than a running sight gag. There is, however, a fire-rescue scene involving a lot of cats that is howlingly funny. The supposedly feel-good ending is pretty flat but, still, if you need a little mindless fun, go see Mr. Deeds. It's not a total waste of the price of admission."
Take incongruities with grain of salt, and it's entertaining
Dorothy Jansen | Fletchmoor, MA | 09/26/2002
(3 out of 5 stars)
"...As the title character, Sandler is a hero we pull for, but his old screwball antics do get in the way at times. No real hero would clobber senseless a whole reataurant full of people because they ridiculed him. But here, Sandler as the title character does so in a return to his screwball persona. One might even argue that that persona goes over the top when he goes after a purse-snatcher and doesn't stop with merely subduing him but continues to beat him while he is down, with a seemingly sadistic glee. Perhaps a real hero should show some restraint in such a situation, even considering that the purse-snatching could actually be a setup, as it in fact is in this case. To buy into the heroism of Mr. Deeds, we have to do some considerable winking past these gratuitous farcically sadistic episodes. For those who can do that, the movie can be passably enjoyable. Sandler is entertaining, even when incongrously so. The movie is elevated considerably by the pleasant surprise of Winona Ryder's performance, even though her character starts out as a participant in that purse-snatching setup...MR. DEEDS should be remembered as one of the brighter spots in her uneven career. Here she puts forth a charm we haven't seen in a long time, and her acting fits well into the story. As a co-star to Sandler, she meshed with his character well, certainly the best since Drew Barrymore in THE WEDDING SINGER...She might just be the most uniformly good part of MR. DEEDS, and that gives hope for a more evenly successful career in her future. All in all MR. DEEDS is a watchable bit of entertainment for those not too put off by its incongrous swings between irreverent farce and heartwarming feel-good story and romance."
Mr. Deeds makes the eyes smile and the heart chuckle
F. Poff | Tornado City, USA | 10/11/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Mr. Deeds is a great movie. It's not intelligent or powerful or anything so lofty. But it is a sweet, silly and very fun movie to watch. Adam Sandler is perfect as the kind-hearted small-town boy experiencing big city life for the first time. Winona Ryder is fantastic to look at and fun to watch. She shines. But the character who steals the show is John Turturo as the butler. His bit parts are big scene stealers. I liked this flick so much I saw it at the theater twice. It is a feel-good movie with some real tender parts and is filled with under-keyed hilarious moments. I like Adam Sandler's raunchy humor, but it is very cool to see him play such a great nice guy. And don't worry, some of the humor in this movie is downright "weird" like only Sandler can deliver. I loved this flick!"
Charlotte Vale-Allen | 11/17/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I love Adam Sandler movies, so naturally I had to see Mr.Deeds. Adam Sandler plays Longfellow Deeds, a small town pizza place owner who inherits 40 billion dollars from his great uncle who dies climbing Mt. Everest! The movie is hilarious from the time Sandler enters through the end. Winona Ryder (Is it me or does she seem to get younger and even more beautiful?) plays a TV news anchor who, at first, is only interested in the story that Deeds is worth. She eventually falls for him and you all know how things go from there. Anyway, this movie is definitely a must see for all Adam Sandler fans or for lovers of heartwarming, gut-busting comedies."