Masterpiece of Early Seventies Cinema
Doug Anderson | Miami Beach, Florida United States | 06/03/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This movie defies any easy description of it. What makes it so great is the way it transcends the confines of normal film narrative. And Pink Floyd does deserve a lot credit for that transcendant feel. The cinematographer and the great locations also have a lot to do with the feel of this picture. The actual plot is somewhat pedestrian. Two youths dropping out further and further. Both however are played by very appealing actors and Mimsy Farmer is especially interesting. She plays her role with a cool and naturalness making her seem like the very incarnation of the sixties spirit both the creative and destructive side of it. The male lead has less star appeal but he is solid. Its her movie though. Hers and the blue seas, and the soundtrack. Barbet Schroeder is not serving any script, rather he is capturing a mood, the story is incidental to the music."
Dig it...
Andrew Asp | Oakland | 06/23/2000
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I totally liked "More"... Nestor Alemandros does excellent camera work as always, Mimsy Farmer is a complete babe, and there's lots of cool scenes of them getting high. And actually, it's a pretty accurate morality tale.. I don't think it falls for the 'reefer madness' stuff, but it shows a starkly realistic descent into the nightmare of heroin addiction. I'm suprised the movie is not given a fair shake.. during the wild, get-high times of the late '60s, this is a great little film that shows the downside of drug culture without being preachy. And it's gorgeous to look at."
An absolute MUST for Floyd fans
Scott M Bacon | Lowell, MA United States | 09/11/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I first heard of this film in 1984 when I first started to get into Pink Floyd. The soundtrack album, though still one of my favorites, seemed to be an echo of something bigger, yet out of reach. Because of this, the film (to me, anyway) was something I had to be in search of. I found a copy at Lechmere in the mid 90's and was psyched. Almost a 'music video' to the soundtrack album, it aslo features songs not heard on the soundtrack album (most notably the never-released "Seabirds") and some cuts with different mixes (like "Cymbaline" with Waters on lead vocals).
For these reasons alone, the film is a must for any avid Floyd fan. Apart from that, I've seen very few films that document the free-spiritedness of the era. Made in 1969 and set in the same present, it chronicles Stephan - a German math student's travels through Europe, where he meets Estelle, an American Heroin user.
Soon Stephan is using everyday and quickly becomes addicted. You'll have to watch it to find out what happens to Stephan, I won't spoil it here. Suffice it to say that this is one of the bleakest, darkest and most truthful depictions of hard drug addiction. The letterbox version offers little more landscape than the original home video release, but it does have a really cool trailer (in french) at the end. Also the original release had no subtitles and the widescreen version does (" THAT's what they were saying"). All in all it's a great film but much better if you are an avid Pink Floyd fan.
If you love Floyd, this film is a MUST!
If you love heroin, this film may change your view.
Either way, you'll have some kind of reaction."
Cool hippie era film
Chocolate Fudge | 12/02/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I enjoyed this movie on many levels such as musically with the Pink
Floyd early era music, the nice scenery, historically such as the drug use
and the attitudes at the time ; the sensuality of some scenes- the nudity added to the feeling of personal freedom that is very attractive in the film and at the same time lead to tragedy which makes it a good story and film."