Not yoga, but not bad
yogabelle | Philadelphia Suburbs | 04/19/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is a nice aerobic workout, but should not be marketed as a YOGA practice. The only segments that resemble anything like traditional yoga come in the warmup and the cool down, consisting of some modified sun salutations and warrior-like poses. The middle portion is divided into six segments with names like "Rain Dance" and "Child's Play" and feels suspiciously like a low-impact floor aerobic workout without shoes, complete with knee lifts and hamstring curls. She begins with something simple like a toe-touch and builds to form an uncomplicated series of moves; and a new segment begins before the routine becomes tedious. You can do all of the segments to make a solid cardio routine (approx 35 minutes) that will make you sweat or eliminate segments to make a shorter workout.To justify the yoga in the video title, she could have called more attention to the breath, the form, or a reminder to engage locks or core. Her overall instruction was pretty laid back, but because the exercises are straightforward, the workout doesn't suffer much. Also she does a lot of bouncing on her toes in her bare feet, which looks painful to me; while she does say in the beginning that you can use aerobic shoes, I think she sets a bad example. And I've never seen anyone bounce while doing yoga. I enjoy this workout, and it's one of the few aerobic workouts I can do without shoes. Expect to sweat, but don't expect a yoga practice."
Stay away if you have knee problems!!
yogabelle | 12/07/2003
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This workout is extremely boring. Molly Fox repeats the same routines over and over again--you will be thoroughly tired of Sun Salutation. My knees aren't the best ever, so this workout which is heavy on bending exercises is too much. If you have knee problems from running, jogging or weights-- stay clear of this tape-- it won't really help you while you're recuperating."