Very Informative!
Loyd E. Eskildson | Phoenix, AZ. | 07/03/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Great Wall of China is known as the longest construction project on earth, though neither its total length nor route are known. This is because the wall is actually a series of walls, built and rebuilt over 2,000 years. Originally the wall was built in B.C. between the various states of China, and then in 210 B.C. rebuilt to keep out the barbarians from the North. (The original rebuilder was also responsible for the terra cotta army recently found buried near where he supposedly is buried.)
Folklore has it that most of the original workers were conscripts, prisoners, and defeated armies, and that 70% of the one million workers died (starvation, etc.) during construction. Thus, it became known "the longest cemetery in the world," and was seen by the Chinese as a symbol of oppression, rather than an item of pride.
Regardless, the wall never was successful as a defensive measure, and the Tatars under Genghis Khan in 1210 A.D. overran China and rule it for about a century until driven out. Centuries later the Manchurians did likewise - largely let in by those sent as caretakers for the wall who had become their trading partners.
Chairman Mao ordered considerable amounts torn down as part of his repudiation of China's warlord past. The "good news" is that Western visitors post-Nixon soon convinced the Chinese that the wall was something to admire, and reconstruction has again been undertaken.
Bottom Line: "The Great Wall of China" provides good backround on the wall, as well as a number of photos of its current appearance as well as areas of extensive deterioration."
The Wall
maiden pa. | bedford, pa United States | 02/03/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is just great to watch and the only thing more amazing is the man's tomb who built it. This can be seen from space. What an awesome accomplishment, Truly a wonder of the world. Don't forget to also buy Engineering Empires:China which also covers an entire history of China. This is an awesome country with a great history."
James Dopson | APO, AE United States | 02/13/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Excellent, There is so munch info on this DVD about China grate Wall how it got its name and how the wall's first came about being belt you can watch it over and over again and still learn something new. Two thumbs up. If don't have it this DVD the Grate Wall of China thin I recommend you show have add it to your DVD collection
Cheers U all