Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Vol. 10- The Day of Destiny
Adaptation | TX USA | 02/14/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Well people, we come now to the end of an Epic series. The story of a Boy, his Gundam, and the people he has fought so hard to protect. Was it all in vein? Will more people die needlessly? What will be the fate of Kira Yamato and Athrun Zala? Will the Archangel survive and what is the Genesis? All and much more, including a brand new ultra powerfull Gundam will be seen in this, what is sure to be one of the best endings to a Gundam series to date (It even may compare to the ending of "Turn A Gundam" which may air after Gundam Seed's run is over. This DVD marks the end to an amazingly Deep, Smart, Fast Paced,Violent and Touching Gundam Series. The Final Episodes are as follows.
Phase 46: The Palace of souls
Phase 47: The Nightmare's Return
Phase 48: Day of Fury (Genesis Revealed)
Phase 49: The Light of Apocalypse
Final Phase: Twards an Endless Tomorrow
Personally, I felt the ending occured to fast, and It was a bit rushed, but It does mark an end, for better or for worse. Now, for my closing statement and my opinion on the series in general.
I have to admit that in the beginning, This series seemed alot like the original series Plot and Event wise, but it seemed to take it's own destiny and ended up as a very popular and fairly well made series. We have seen alot of the people we grew to like killed off over the series, and some more crucial people are killed in this DVD. In general I at least liked the series, due to its late but due originality, and the wonderfull characters, deep and sometimes dark story, and beautifull Mecha desighns. All in all this adds up to a semi, if not complete epic. It probably would have done better in a 6-13 episode OVA or a Movie (Gundam F91 was the exact opposite) but it was made as a series and we should except that. I am aware that many people have their own opinions on this series, but this is how I, the reviewer interpret this. So if you are hoping to buy an excelent Anime series, or a Sci-Fi Epic, I would suggest Gundam Seed with great zeal. But if you have seen it and am not pleased, feel free to let your opinion be heard. But In my, the reviewers opinion, again, this is a very good series, and this DVD makes and Ideal addition to that series collection. I would like to mention however, that most of the information I had in reviews were flawed, even garbage. I have a big NO THANK YOU for the recently de-activated and will never take my info directly from a sourse without confirming it. I also do want to say a huge THANK YOU to, for informing of this incident. You guys saved my skin, and I am greatfull. To the rest of you, you may see my reviews seem to lack some body, but that will be fixed when I get more info of the Series backround. I have seen the episodes, I would still like to portray them better, but I want to get all my facts straght before I go any further. for the DVD, what are my parting words? I'm sure you can guess:
I suggest this DVD to any Anime , Sci-Fi or Robot fan.
Gundam fans: Once you have stopped crying, REJOICE! We still Have
"Gundam Seed Destiny", "Turn A Gundam and even Gundam X to look forward to! REJOICE!"
A great finale to a good series
Bryan C. Theis | Paradise | 05/06/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Gundam Seed at first seemed to me an affront to the Gundam series. That completely changed about a third of the way through the series. This is not a kiddie Gundam. The majority of deaths that occur involve young pilots in a manner unlike anything I've seen in any other Gundam series. The last five episodes are especially characterized by this. The setup is familiar to every Gundam series, something big is supposed to attack the earth and a big fight erupts in orbit. But Seed concentrates more on what the pilots are doing than the overall threat to earth. The emotional aspect makes this series' end great. Ultimately I liked the music (no annoying bits of techno or drum machines), the characters, the non-cg gundams, and the bittersweet end. The final frame left me wanting more because it is very open ended, but that of course is why this year we'll probably be seeing Destiny in one form or another. I've been a long time Gundam fan and rate this one with the Original, 0083, and Gundam Wing. But I would best describe Seed as the opposite of Wing with a steadfastly emotional anti-war feeling throughout and then a reluctant acceptance that sometimes fighting is the only rationale way to save something. Hail Zeon."
Havent seen it but now it will be great...
M. S. Velez | Camuy, Puerto Rico | 03/22/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This dvd will be truly awesome because not only its the end of a great epic but it will feature some really great fights and off course the music will be jaw dropping (big music fan here lol), can't wait for this dvd, obviously buy the 9 dvd's before this.
The day of destiny: May 10th \m/ ^_^ \m/"