One of the Weakest From SW Video, Unless You Like the Burly
Gift Card Recipient | Santa Barbara, CA | 05/10/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"If you're the type of guy who likes their women burly, broad shoulders and could pass as Divine's older sister, then you will really like SHE MOB. Personally, the women were just too burly, beefy and too manly looking for my taste. Plus, one of the women clearly got one of the first silicon implants - there are grain silos that should stand that tall and straight ... so personally, hardly anything to recommend about the first film, SHE MOB unless you like women who could take on the East German women of the 1970's in wrestling and win or sling Tony Soprano over their shoulder.
NYMPHS ANONYMOUS is much closer in line to a SW presentation though the girl (the madam) you do want to see all kinds of naked is mostly covered up and briefly appears in lingerie but in a medium shot. The rest of the girls are all natural though not exactly ingenues ... they do spend most of the 1-hour film nude if that counts for anything ... there is a plot about a mix up between the play-acting of these nymphos & some real crime but that hardly matters. Overall, it's still pretty weak since the girls are definitely not spring chickens but if you enjoy real nudity by older real women of the 1960's - it's an acceptable SW choice.
There are two 15-minutes shorts - one is the type of fare that is perfect a kooky, short of two women who spend the entire dressing and undressing - both attractive though the quality of the print is what you might expect from a home movie shot through a hole in the wall :-) - the other is a repeat from other DVD's, two aging aunt Rose's types nude smoking on a mobile home couch ... again, maybe your cup of tea but for most, ugh ... the trailers are all great and are films you do want to see ... but overall, pretty weak by any grade.
One film is okay, one short is okay, the 8 trailers are great (some are repeats) but unless you like mostly burly in your burlesque, this is a pretty weak offering ... so really only a few minutes of great, plus 25 minutes of okay and the rest - weak so ..."